Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song and/or video and share it on Monday.
Another monday, another work day another hard decision to make. I have about 3 songs in my head right now and I suck at making decisions… Okay, I’ll go with this one, because I got it on repeat yesterday and it stuck:
Thoughts and other ramblings
It’s no secret that I’m a music addict. And before you judge me, there are worse things out there to be addicted to, just saying 😛 Anyway I usually have a song for everything, I connect memories, persons, scenes and characters in my writings to songs. Sometimes a song just finds me in the right moment. Sometimes I communicate with songs without anyone knowing (a message for someone or just for the world or just a way of letting out my feelings without talking about them). This Song Saved My Life just came on yesterday in my player and got me hooked. Of course I have known this song, but it never clicked with me. Until now.
On one hand, I can absolutely relate to this song. Music, altough didn’t save my life exactly, was the biggest support for me as long as I can remember. My best friend if you like. Whether I have a bad day, I’m angry, tired, sad, happy, bored or just lonely, I know I can always rely on my favorite songs and bands to give me comfort. And yes, I’m that lonely that I get comforted only from music, lol. I don’t mind. Music is amazing, it can convey so many feelings and thoughts you can’t put into words. But there is always at least one song fitting your situation. You just have to find the right one and that what’s makes it so interesting. Especially when you don’t even know you need that song in that particular moment of your life until it just pops up.
On the other hand, this song reminds me of a person who made me see myself differently – in a good kind of way. Made me feel it’s OK to be myself and people can like me the way I am, no matter what. I can never express how grateful I am that he sneaked his way into my life. I’m not going to name this person, and I don’t think I’ll ever tell him this myself, so let me just leave this song here.
Because of you my life has a purpose
You helped me be who i am today
I see myself in every word you say
Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me
Trapped in a world where everyone hates me
There’s so much that I’m going through
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you [Chorus:]
I was broken
I was choking
I was lost
This song saved my life
I was bleeding
Stopped believing
Could have died
This song saved my life
I was down
I was drowning
But it came on just in time
This song saved my life
Sometimes I feel like you’ve known me forever
You always know how to make me feel better
Because of you, my dad and me
Are so much closer than we used to be
You’re my escape when I’m stuck in a small town
I turn you up whenever I feel down
You let me know like no one else
That it’s OK to be myself
You’ll never know what it means to me
That I’m not alone
That I’ll never have to be
[Chorus 2x]
My life, my life
(This song saved my life)
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