Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song and/or video and share it on Monday.
Thoughts and other ramblings
I’ve come across The New Roses sometime last year I think. Around the time they released their album One More For The Road. I pretty much liked their sound, so I’ve got their albums, but honestly, I didn’t listen to them that much. I might have to do that this week, because they are coming to Budapest this Friday! Actually, I bought my ticket for The Dead Daisies show just to see them. I’ve seen The Dead Daisies last year, and they were good, but I remember better their warm up band Thundermother… Now I definitely go to their show just to see their warm up band. Ironic, isn’t it?
Anyway, for today I choose Life Ain’t Easy (For A Boy With Long Hair) because this is my favorite song from their latest album. It’s catchy, and I can relate (kind of, obviously I’ve never been a boy, altough I have long hair), but I get the struggle of trying to blend in and be like others. I’ll never succeed so I gave that up and decided to be a cool, funny blogger rock chick instead, lol. Plus I’ve been in love with rock and roll since high school, started to wear clother representing that style sometime during university and I stuck with it. I still love wearing ripped up jeans and skull printed tops/dresses, because hell, it looks good and I don’t give a damn what people think anymore 🙂 Rock on people, and be yourselves, no matter what others say! 😉
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