My name is David Walters and I run the book blog FanFiAddict.I am 28 and live in Birmingham AL with my wife, 3 dogs and, unfortunately, a cat.I have only been a book reviewer for a couple of years but I have loved every second of it.My favorite genres are pretty much all of them, with the exception of romance; but I mainly focus on fantasy, science fiction, horror, and thrillers for the blog.
Welcome to the Asylum! Take a seat by the fire, have a glass of beverage of your choice and tell me something about yourself!
My name is David Walters and I run the book blog FanFiAddict. I am 28 and live in Birmingham AL with my wife, 3 dogs and, unfortunately, a cat. I have only been a book reviewer for a couple of years but I have loved every second of it. My favorite genres are pretty much all of them, with the exception of romance; but I mainly focus on fantasy, science fiction, horror, and thrillers for the blog.
What blogging means to you?
Blogging is a way of showing my enjoyment of books to those outside of my family or friend circles. It is an outlet to share my love for covers, authors, stories, etc with like-minded people whom I would never get the chance to meet in person. It is also an opportunity to open someone’s eyes to a new book or genre that was nowhere close to being on their radar.
You are locked in an asylum. What did you do to end up there?
I yelled at my wife too many times about the amount of books I have and how I never intend to get rid of them. I hoarded them in my office, only coming out for the essentials to keep alive. My teeth began rotting away, beard became unkempt. I was in a dark place; beautiful, but dark. Surrounded by the smell of books which, in turn, drove me slightly insane.
Which fictional character and/or author would you like to live with in an asylum?
RJ Barker. Easy. Have you SEEN his house? I mean, come on.
Which fictional world would you like to live in?
Middle-earth. The Shire or Rivendell. They just look so peaceful and quaint. I can fight off orcs every now and then. No biggie.
If you could switch lives with any character in a book, who would you choose? Would you like to have the author along as a fellow character?
Thomas Senlin. The Tower of Babel is a magnificent place and what a freaking adventure Senlin has had up until now. And yes, Josiah has to be along for the ride because he would be able to give fantastic directions to where the closest beer-me-go-round is.
You are a treasure hunter, about to retrieve a chest of gold from a sunken pirate ship, when a beautiful mermaid/merman approaches you, trying to stop you. How do you react?
I Joey Tribbiani that mermaid. ’How you doin’?’ And then I make a promise to share some of the spoils, but never call her again.
Your family allows you to keep one fantastical creature at home. What do you choose?
A Griffin. It can fly and tear enemies’ heads off, but also has the ability to be a cuddle-bug. I only worry that it won’t fit in the guest room. They have quite the wingspan.
You can have one magic ability for a day. What can you do and how do you spend that day?
Does instant transmission from Dragon Ball Z count? Because I would totally use it to visit places I have wanted to travel to for years. I am a sucker for nature and photography and I absolutely love to travel. If not, then the ability to fly for the same purpose.
You are a magical creature living near a village. How do you get on with humans?
Pretty well. I can be, at times, a social outcast, but my jobs push me to be an extrovert. But if someone attempts to wring me out for wishes or magical pixie dust, I’m out. I’ll start some trouble if things start going downhill. Maybe I’ll just start a few fires… that’ll show them.
While you are locked in here for eternity, we will allow you one book – what would you choose?
Oddly enough, Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone. It has been and will be my favorite book of all time. It was my true introduction to reading as a fun experience and hobby, rather than a have to for school; though the series gave me some wicked AR points for class. It is a book that I continue to come back to over and over for an easy and enjoyable read.
Well then, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay in the Asylum! Any last words? *locks door*
You know, this place isn’t so bad. Some quiet time to be with my thoughts and the opportunity to ponder on what got me here. Hey, can I have a book to read? Please?

David is a pretty good guy I had interactions with throughout the year, but we really bonded when we were outcasted together 😉
Thanks a ton :D. Who doesn’t love being outcasted?
Right? We are the cool kids now!