In the renewed Music Diggin’ Friday I’m going to write about all kinds of music related stuff. Lists, new releases, concerts, and whatever shit that comes to mind.
May here in Europe means that Eurovision is up! For those who don’t know what this is: Eurovision is a song contest hosted always by the country which won the previous year. Some countries take it waaaay too seriously, and for some reason most think they can win with some boring ballad. But the most memorable songs are always the total crazy ones.
The other day we started to talk about it with friends on Discord and I got excited. I’m sure we’ll watch it together and talk all the songs out, lol. To celebrate Eurovision, which will take place in Tel Aviv between May 14th and 18th, this year I’m going to write up a series of Top 10 posts. Starting with the Top 10 Hungarian songs out of 16 we got to perform before Europe.
1. Viszlát nyár by AWS
Okay, it’s pretty hard to chose between Running and Viszlát Nyár. These Hungarian boys showed Europe some metal in 2018. Judges didn’t like it much, but people seemed to like it 🙂
And here is the English version:
2. Running by Kállay-Saunders András
András won 5th place in 2014, which was our second best. This is one of my favorite Hungarian songs from the Eurovisions. I was rooting for his new band to get to Eurovision this year, but sadly the judges didn’t let them get into the finals where people could vote for them 🙁
3. Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet? by Friderika
Hungary first joined to the Eurovision in 1994, and we ended up in 4th place. This is the best we ever had too. We had a good start.
4. Kedvesem by ByeAlex
This song caught everyone by surprise back in 2013. ByeAlex came out of nowhere, nobody knew him and won the Hungarian prelimination. It really was controversial, half of the country were in uproar by it. Personally I like this song, and since then ByeAlex had become a prominent person in the alternative music scene here in Hungary.
5. Origo by Pápai Joci
I quite like this song, except the rap part. I just don’t think it fits into the song… Personally there is another song I like better from him, but that’s just my personal preference. Anyway, it was our chosen song in 2017 and Europe liked it well enough for it to earn 8th place.
6. Pioneer by Freddie
Freddie was our contestant in 2016. He was pretty disappointed when he finished on the 19th place, and honestly, this song would have deserved better. Oh well, just look at him and listen to his voice…
7. Forogj, világ! by NOX
After a 6 year hiatus, Hungary performed again in Eurovision. Back then we didn’t have a show to chose a song and public voting. And at the time I didn’t know much about Eurovision. NOX was on the high of their careers and radios played quite a few of there songs. I had a few favorites from them myself. I think they were popular here in Hungary because they mixed pop music with Hungarian folk music elements.
8. Unsubstantial Blues by Rúzsa Magdi
Magdi performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007. She has probably the most unique of voices among the Hungarian female singers. Her style of music is not really my taste, but she is still awesome.
9. What about my dreams? by Wolf Kati
2011 was the first year I started to really follow Eurovision. And it was probably the first year when a public vote decided who we send (I’m not sure though). I liked this song at the time and had it on my player, but in all honesty, it’s quite forgettable. But she has a good voice nevertheless.
10. Wars for Nothing by Boggie
We are in 2015, and if I want to be perfectly honest, I didn’t even remember this song, until I started to look up all of the Hungarian Eurovision songs… It’s not that it’s bad, it’s just… boring. And I’m pretty sure we had better contestants at the time.
+1 Az én apám by Pápai Joci
After 2017, Joci gets to be our champion this year in Tel Aviv. Personally, this wasn’t my favorite song this year, and I think Origo is much better, but people were dazzled by the lyrics I think. Sure, it’s emotional, as he sings about his father and the bond between them, but I don’t think it’ll get a high ranking. But we shall see. Since people chose him, I can only root for him.
What is your favorite one out of these and do you follow Eurovision?
Have a rockin’ Friday and weekend ya’ll! 🙂
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