October for a lot of you means getting ready for the fun times as in Halloween. And I’m really jealous of you, because that’s not a thing in Hungary, in exchange we have 2 days to remember two different lost revolution. Sounds fun, huh? I kind of wish I grew up with fun October memories, instead October usually is the worst month for me – no idea why, I seem to have bad luck or something. I also start to understand why we Hungarians are so miserable, we hardly have any fun holidays, and the autumn is just a long depressing period.
Ugh. Anyway, I won’t let that bring me down this year. I actually have things to look forward to! My UK trip for example. And we also will have a lot of SPFBO updates, so it’ll be worth keeping an eye on the blog!
Book titles are linked to their Goodreads pages!
Book(s) I plan to read in October (probably won’t, but hey, I’m optimistic)
- The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker
- Shadows by R.J. Furness

Book(s) I plan to review in October in addition to the others above
- Pilgrim’s Storm Brooding by Damien Black
- The Flight of the Darkstar Dragon by Benedict Patrick

Audiobook(s) I plan to listen to in October
- Angel’s Ink by Jocelynn Drake (about to finish this one, I’ll review it, because I have thoughts)
- No idea, maybe Limited Wish by Mark Lawrence to refresh my memories before book 3

I left October relatively free (didn’t count on being so damned behind at this point) for SPFBO, so I will mainly read the remaining titles I couldn’t get to yet. I expect to post at least one, but hopefully 2 Reaping posts, and a few DNF mini reviews. Hopefully we can narrow our group down to 4-5 books we’d like to consider as our finalist. So be ready for a lot of SPFBO updates this month.
You can read about my team and how we are going to do SPFBO 5 here! Every information you might need, links, and other stuff here!
Tales from the Asylum
Based on the feedback, Tales from the Asylum was a success and I’m really happy people loved it! Rest assured, there are many more to come and they will be just as good as the others!
Other bookish plans
Author Spotlight
I have a few exciting things coming up. I’ll be part of Benedict Patrick’s book launch event, revealing one of the characters from The Flight of the Darkstar Dragon and the first chapter; I might take part in a cover reveal event; will host a guest post and a short story toward the end of the month, but I can’t say much more about that now.
Btw, feel free to contact me if you want to be hosted with a guest post or cover reveal or anything. I’m always up for a little something, even if I can’t grant review requests at the moment.
Other plans
UK trip – London and Bristol here I come
Later this month (21st – 27th) I’ll be heading to the UK once again! What can I say? I have a soft spot for that gods’ forsaken island. First I’ll spend a couple of days (21st – 24th) in London then I’ll head to Bristol (24th – 27th) to attend BristolCon before I’ll head home again. I don’t quite have ready plans, but I’m hoping to catch up with a few friends in London and do some sightseeing. I already saw most of the usual touristy places and I’m on a low budget, so this time around I’d like to do something else. My theme for this year will be street arts. I love graffities and I hear there are a few places in London where I can see several famous artists’ work. I’m also open to suggestions of places to visit – fantasy and book related!
As for Bristol, this time I want to take the time to look around town a bit, hence why I’ll get there a day or two sooner than the con itself. Bristol happens to be the hometown of my favourite artist, Banksy, so I’d like to see some original stuff from him. Suggestions of what to see in Bristol are also welcome, though I’ll have limited time.
Well, I think that’s it. Follow me if you like either on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (I don’t have much content on that platform yet)!
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