Music Monday

Music Monday: 67-es út / Road 67 by Republic

Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song and/or video and share it on Monday.


Thoughts and other ramblings

I made my way to the UK again, yay! I’m currently in London for a few days before I head to Bristol to attend BristolCon in the weekend. I probably should have picked some song about London or the UK, but youtube randomly played one of my favourite songs from my childhood, so I decided to go with it. It’s a Hungarian song, but I included the English lyrics below.



Heavy rains are coming, and I’m setting off, I’ll go far away from home
On Road 67, you can wait for me, shaking
On a summer night, if I don’t come, it’s raining and thundering
If I’m entranced with the stars, it’s raining and you won’t find me
Stars, stars, tell me
Where she heads, where is my darling now
Dangerous road, that you walk on, dangerous road, that I walk on
One day you’ll find your way  home, one day I’ll find my way home.
Heavy rains are coming, and I’m staying here, I’ll stay here forever
Next to Road 67, sitting at the embankment
On a summer night, if I don’t come, it’s raining and thundering
If I’m entranced with the stars, it’s raining and you won’t find me
Stars, stars, tell me
Where she heads, where is my darling now
Dangerous road, that you walk on, dangerous road, that I walk on
One day you’ll find your way  home, one day I’ll find my way home.
Heavy rains are coming, and I’m setting off, I’ll go far away from home
On Road 67, you can wait for me, shaking
On a summer night, if I don’t come, it’s raining and thundering
If I’m entranced with the stars, it’s raining and you won’t find me
Stars, stars, tell me
Where she heads, where is my darling now
Dangerous road, that you walk on, dangerous road, that I walk on
One day you’ll find your way  home, one day I’ll find my way home.
Stars, stars, tell me
Where she heads, where is my darling now
Dangerous road, that you walk on, dangerous road, that I walk on
One day you’ll find your way  home, one day I’ll find my way home.
Stars, stars, tell me
Where she heads, where is my darling now
Dangerous road, that you walk on, dangerous road, that I walk on
One day you’ll find your way  home, one day I’ll find my way home.