Can you believe it’s already the end of 2019?! It definitely was a roller coaster of a year for me. It was also crazy busy, so I decided to take things easier in the second half of the month. Holidays are coming and I need a bit of a break, so posts won’t be as frequent as usually. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you alone for too long 😉
Book titles are linked to their Goodreads pages!
Book(s) I plan to read in December
Not sure what I actually will read, as I want to let myself decide if I want to read at all, or just watch Netflix and chill. But there are a few books I’d like to consider if the mood strikes me right.
- Three Crows Magazine #5 by Alex Khlopenko
- The Traitor God by Cameron Johnston
- We Are the Dead by Mike Shackle
- The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag
- Faithless by Graham Austin-King

Book(s) we plan to review in November in addition to the others above
- The Bone Ships by RJ Barker
- Rivers of Londonby Ben Aaronovitch

- The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards

Phase 1 had ended and the 10 finalists were chosen! I still owe you 3 reviews from Jen, which I’ll share during December. Officially the Finals started on December 1st, but I don’t think we’ll have any reviews out for the finalists this month. I for one will take a break from SPFBO so I can get to it refreshed in January.
But, I already have my SPFBO 5 Finals page up! It doesn’t have much information on it yet, but that’s where I’ll keep updating our process and where you can find everything relevant to the competition. Of course the SPFBO 5 Phase 1 page is still up and running, so you can always find out what happened this past 5 months in the competition!
Tales from the Asylum
Although Phase 1 ended, I still have a couple of tales left for you from SPFBO competitors! I’m planning to post 3 this month, then take a 2 weeks break and continue in January. The Finalists are also already hard at work at coming up with the own tales, so stay tuned!
Other bookish plans
Advent Book Calendar
As last year, Jen and I decided to highligh our top favourite reads from this year Advent Calendar style. I’ll share one review a day on Twitter – but in case you aren’t on Twitter or you missed a day, I have a handy Advent Book Calendar 2019page, which I’ll update daily. We decided to go a bit differently this year, but it still should be fun 🙂
For December I have 2 beta jobs, and then, as I said, I’m taking a break in the second half of the month. But I still have spots left for January and the rest of the year, so if you happen to need a second pair of eyes for beta reading, proofreading or a bit of developmental editing, please check out my Editorial Services and contact me so I could find out how to help you to make your manuscript as good as it can get!
Well, I think that’s it. Follow me if you like either on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (I don’t have much content on that platform yet)!
Have a Happy Holiday and I hope you’ll be able to spend time resting and spending time with loved ones!
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