Üdv! Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you had no idea what was being said? Well, the brave people taking part in the What the Hungarian?! feature can experience exactly that. 5 qoutes, 5 guesses, 5 answers. How well would you do?
The rules:
- You get 5 passages in Hungarian from books you’ve read, and a couple of hints.
- You have to guess which book they are from. And for extra fun, try to guess what the qoute might be about!
- You can also ask 1 question regarding each passages which I’ll answer with “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know” – as I didn’t read each of the books.
- You can’t use a dictionary or a translator.
- And you just have to have fun!
Simple, isn’t it?
Today’s player is our Womble or else known as Matt, but we all know that’s just one of his personas.

Matt aka Womble is a book tempter ahem blogger at http://Runalongtheshelves.net and is the sweet voice on your shoulder telling you that it’s ok to get a new book. Can also be found on twitter as @Runalongwomble for additional book tempting.
Szajha Királynőnek hívtak, farkas szukának, mert megöltem egy embert és száműztem a királyomat a koronázásom előtti éjjelen.
Hurrikánok tépázzák a falvakat és értelmetlennek tartják; ha téli szelek jönnek, azt mondják hideg. Mi mást vártak a népemtől, az _-któl, az ambiciózus barbárokól akik olyan háborút indítottak, amely majdnem szétszakította _.
Hints: Book 1 of a series, traditionally published, female author, carnivore
Matt: Clearly Hungarian and Klingon are very similar! Hurrikanok sounds like Hurricane – and looks like ambitious barbarian???
Carnivore is a weird clue!! Hmm.
Something meaty??
Guess: The Copper Promise by Jen Williams
The correct answer: The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso
The original quote:
They called me the Bitch Queen, the she-wolf, because I murdered a man and exiled my king the night before they crowned me.
Hurricanes destroy the villages and they call it senseless; the winter winds come and they call it cold. What else did they expect from my people, the Oren-yaro, the ambitious savages who created a war that nearly ripped Jin-Seyang apart?

“Bármilyen banditát találunk, végzünk velük” mondtam. „Ezt csináltam egész életemben katonaként. De ez az expedíció nem csak szerződések aláírásáról, növények kereskedelméről szól, hanem a profit elköltéséről, az én profitoméról, hogy megerősítsük uralmunkat a törvény felett. Meg hogy a Körrel újra felvegyük a kapcsolatot, hogy az én klánomnak és az összes többinek jó oka legyen elásni az ellenségeskedést ami még most is vérengzéshez vezet. (…)”
Hints: Stand alone, traditionally published, male author, seasons
Matt: I see profit and possibly profiterole which is a new one for fantasy
But seasonal standalone…
Guess: The Winter Road by Adrian Selby
The correct answer: The Winter Road by Adrian Selby
The original qoute:
“We will clear out whatever bandits we find,” I said. „I’ve done it all my life as a soldier. But this expedition isn’t just signing some contracts and trading plant, it’s about spending profit, my profit, toward strengthening our rule of law. It’s about reconnecting the Circle to all of us, so that my clan and all the clans there have good reason to bury those enmities that lead them now to blood. (…)”

“Mielőtt a dévák meggyengültek, mikor még az istenek erős és félelmes fiai és lányai voltak, megesküdtek, hogy megvédik a leszármazottaikat és soha nem ártanak nekik szándékosan.” Megmutatta a vékony sérülést az ujján _-nak, amely már nem vérzett többé. „Amikor nekik adunk egy darabot a húsunkból, emlékeztetjük őket az esküjükre. És, húgocskám, egy déva esküje megszeghetetlen.”
Hints: Book 1 of a series, traditionally published, female author, weapons on the covers
Matt: I’m puzzled by all the words with Meg??
Weapons hmm drawing a blank erm erm…
Guess: Court of Broken Knives by Anna Smith Spark
The correct answer: Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri
The original qoute:
“Before the daiva weakened, when they were still truly the strong and terrifying sons and daughters of Gods, they made a vow to protect their descendants, and to never willingly harm them.” She showed Arwa the thin mark on her thumb, no longer bleeding. „When we give them a piece of our flesh, we’re reminding them of their vow. And, little sister, a daiva’s vow is unbreakable.”

Negyven perce vagyok az Egység Bankban, de máris beütött a szorongás.
Általában így indul a napom. Ezúttal egy esküvő és egy záróvizsga okozza, habár nem az én esküvőm és nem az én vizsgám. Az ablak melletti helyemről láthatom, de nem hallom a várost. Ilyen magasan Rózsavíz felett minden rendezettnek tűnik. Blokkok, utak, utcák, a forgalom lustán kanyarog a dóm körül.
Hints: Book 1 of a series, traditionally published, male author, one word titles
Matt: Hmm Negyven sounds like Nevyn from Katherine Kerr’s Deverry but clearly not male!! Struggling.
Guess: Malice by John Gwynne
The correct answer: Rosewater by Tade Thompson
The original qoute:
I’m at the Integrity Bank job for forty minutes before the anxieties kick in. It’s how I usually start my day. This time it’s because of a wedding and a final exam, though not my wedding and not my exam. In my seat by the window I can see, but not hear the city. This high above Rosewater everything seems orderly. Blocks, roads, streets, traffic curving sluggishly around the dome.

Itt egy történet, amit hallottam.
Évekig tartó gondos imádság, alkudozás, bizonytalan és óvatos egyeztetések után a Csend Háza ígéretet kapott a Csendes Erdő Istenétől, hogy megvédi _ lakóit a betegségektől és a behatolóktól. De mivel tudták, hogy az isten szeszélyes, ezért rendszeresen járőröztek a területeik szélén, különösen az erdő déli részén, ahol _ szomszédaik néha portyáztak az _ farmokon és falvakban.
Hints: Stand alone book, traditionally published, female author, bird and stone
Matt: Now no words jump out at me but bird and stone standalone suggests…
Guess: The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
The correct answer: The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
The original qoute:
Here is a story I’ve heard.
After years of careful prayer and bargaining, of cautious and uncertain negotiation, the House of the Silent obtained a promise from the God of the Silent Forest, that it would protect the inhabitants of Iraden from disease and invasion. Since the Iradeni also knew from experience that the god was chancy, they regularly rode the edges of their territory – particulary on the south side of the forest, where their Tel neighbors would sometimes raid Iradeni farms and villages.
Results: 2/5
Not bad, all things considered. Well done, Womble!

If you’d like to be friends with Womble, I can recommend following him on social media:
If you’d like to try yourself at this feature, please fill out this form to let me know: https://forms.gle/nDp1jdZ658An9JDr6
Check out how the other did in this feature on my What the Hungarian?! page!
Ok, this post screams to my linguist senses!! One of the most fun features I’ve seen on a blog! Love the language though for the life of me I couldn’t figure out any of these either eheh
Hahahaha, thank you! I can have you in April if you’d like to try your luck! 😉
Don’t tell anyone but I was immediately filling the sign up sheet as I read the post 🤭 It just took me 20 minutes to write my short bio because it’s my kryptonite
LOL. I promise I won’t tell anyone 😁 Oh well, I’ll be in touch soon then 😊