Sneak Peek April

What’s to come? – April 2020

Man, I just saw how excited I was at the beginning of March about everything coming to the blog and how it all ended in a big heap of disappointment, demotivation and self-doubt. Not talking about the pandemic. Fun times. That being said, I’m more sober regarding April, mostly because all of my plans got chucked into the bin. Friends from Germany were supposed to come visit Budapest at the end of the month, but clearly that won’t happen now. I was really looking forward to it, because I not often can hang out with friends in real life, especially in my beautiful hometown.

One good thing at least came out of the lockdown: no family gathering at Eastern, which is my least favourite holiday of them all. April is generally not among my favourite months due to the aforementioned holiday and the fact I’m forced to go to church twice as per a family tradition. Ugh. I need to note that I don’t have anything against religion, or church (hell, I have a degree in History of Religions, I’m totally interested in this stuff), it’s just that I’m not religious myself and it’s not my thing, especially when I’m forced to go.

Aaaanyway, I still have a few things planned for the blog, but after April I probably will scale down the number of feature posts (unless someone wants to play, in which case I’m happy to host any of them, but won’t be actively seeking people out for them). But for now, we are going to have one more busy month.

I levelled up my game and the links of the books lead to their GR pages and if you click on the covers, then that’ll lead to their Amazon pages (hopefully the one local to you).

Book(s) I plan to read in April

I keep struggling with reading, I really don’t seem to get into anything these days. Argh. So I’m taking this easy and see what I can manage.

Audiobook(s) I plan to listen to in April

I honestly have no idea, nothing catches my attention, so I’m back rereading Harry Potter. Again. At this point I need to admit that I’m addicted to Stephen Fry’s voice.

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Book(s) we plan to review in addition to the ones above

I’m sorry, but March was so busy, that I practically didn’t have any room to post any of Jen’s reviews. I’ll rectify that and as I’ll be focusing more on my SPFBO and other reviews regarding the books above, I will also make sure to get these out as well:


We stepped into the fifth and last month of the Final phase. We only have 4 books left to review and here is what you can expect from us in April:

You can always check out my SPFBO 5 Finals page! It doesn’t have much information on it yet, but that’s where I’ll keep updating our process and where you can find everything relevant to the competition. Of course the SPFBO 5 Phase 1 page is still up and running, so you can always find out what happened in the first 5 months of the competition!


Other bookish plans

I think we’ll lean heavily on the reviewing side of things in April. But I still encourage you to reach out if you’d like to be featured with a guest post, cover reveal or you’d like to take part in any of my features, for which I have a handy sign up form! I’m happy to collaborate with authors and help to promote your work!


I have one interview in the works for this month, so keep your eyes open 😉


What the Hungarian?!

This is a fun project, where I tortured some of my blogger friends with my beautiful language and then watched them struggle. I swear it’s entertaining. To me anyway. I have one or two of these coming your way, but probably this will be it. For now.

Check out how people did so far and let me know if you’d like to take part!


To Be Continued…

Honestly, this might be my favourite feature to date. 10 weeks, 5 authors, 1 story. In To Be Continued… I asked 5 authors (self-published and traditionally published alike) to write a story together based on my prompts, without knowing about each other. They each had 2 weeks to write their part before I forwarded it to the next person to continue. Each part is somewhere between 500 – 1000 words long. So, are you ready to continue the story?

I have the last part of The New Sound coming your way, and I already have two more editions under progress!

Until then, check out what we have so far for To Be Continued!


Storytellers On Tour

The day soon comes we were all waiting for: the first tour about to kick off! We’ve been pretty productive and we’ll be hosting 3 tours in April. Both Justine and I will be posting our intros the day before. We are really excited to start and bring many awesome books to your attention! In April we’ll be giving you:

(clicking on the title will take you to their tour page)

The Bookshelf Symphony Orchestra by Austin Farmer

Under Ordshaw by Phil Williams

The World Maker Parable by Luke Tarzian

Find out more about Storytellers On Tour or join our team:

Writing plans

Alright, I came up with a plan for my WIP novella, The Lost God and hopefully I can keep to it. The goal for April is to reach 5K words. I’m currenly 900 words behind on my March goal of 2K, so that means I need to write nearly 4K. Yikes. I can do this. I’m sure it’ll be fine…

On the plus side I’ve got some material for research purposes, so if the worst comes worst I’m gonna do some research at least *shrug*


Other plans

A Week in My Head

I got used to this feature and I think it was a good idea to start it. I might no do it every single week, but it definitely helps to keep my head and emotions in check. So, expect more of this one!

You can always check my A Week in My Head page to find all the entries!

Jigsaw puzzle

Well, actually, I’m not sure how much reading I’ll manage this month… beside my complete lack of interest in books at the moment, I’m about to receive two 1000 pieces puzzles. I’m going to spend a lot of time with those I think… Here is what I’m going to get:

I. Can’t. Wait. What are you all up to while being stuck at home? Any DIY / creative projects?

Well, I think that’s it. Follow me if you like either on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram (I don’t have much content on that platform yet)!