Music Monday

Music Monday: Song of Women by The HU feat. Lzzy Hale

Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song and/or video and share it on Monday.

Thoughts and other ramblings

This post was supposed to be written last week, but I had too much stuff on my mind and completely forgot… But now!

A couple of weeks ago Spotify brought up The Hu‘s song, Yuve Yuve Yu and later Song of Women, and you know I freaking love Lzzy Hale so instantly perked up. And then dug a bit deeper and started listening to The HU. I don’t understand a single word of their songs, but definitely love their sound. They teamed up with a handful of awesome bands and singers to make special editions of 3 of their songs, such as Lzzy Hale, Jacoby Shaddix and From Ashes to New and man I’m so damned here for this.



Наргилхан модонд нь цэцэгхэн ургана хэмээнэ
Намуухан дуулахад нь сэтгэл минь хорогд гэмээр
Эхнэр бүсгүй
Энэрэн уяраана

Аргальхан ууланд нь цоолинхон дүүлнэ хэмээнэ
Аашинд нь ойрмогхон саатанхан уярана гэмээр
Эхнэр бүсгүй
Энэрэн хайлна

Мөнх хөх тэнгэрт нь дууланхан шувууд жиргээд
Хөгжилдөн хөөцөлдөн сэтгэлдээ баясана хэмээнэ
Эхнэр бүсгүй
Энэрэн толидоно

Наргилхан модонд нь цэцэгхэн ургана хэмээнэ
Намуухан дуулахад нь сэтгэл минь хорогд гэмээр
Аргальхан ууланд нь цоолинхон дүүлнэ хэмээнэ
Аашинд нь ойрмогхон саатанхан уярана гэмээр
Мөнх хөх тэнгэрт нь дууланхан шувууд жиргээд
Хөгжилдөн хөөцөлдөн сэтгэлдээ баясана хэмээнэ

Эцэг өвгөдийн захисан үгтэй
Энэрэлт ээжийн өргөсөн сүүтэй зам, зүйтэй мөр
Эх л нутгаа хайрлах хүчтэй
Энэ л биедээ дайтах зүрхтэй яв, эвтэй яв
Ир нь ханасан илд шиг хурц,
Нуманд сойсон зэв шиг дүүлэн нис, хуйлран давхи

[English translation:]

The palm tree grows and flowers
As she sings softly my soul retains
Honorable lady
Compassionate and delicate

The Argali springs and flies in the mountains
Her fondness melts me languidly
Honorable lady
Compassionate and lovely

The birds sing and tweet in the blue sky
They are happy and joyful in their souls
Honorable lady
Compassionate and mesmerizing

The palm tree grows and flowers
As she sings softly my soul retains
The Argali springs and flies in the mountains
Her fondness melts me languidly
The birds sing and tweet in the blue sky
They are happy and joyful in their souls

With the precious words of your forefathers
With the milk blessed road of your mother’s, the true path
With the power of love for your motherland
Have a fighter spirit in your body, be steady
As if you were a sword with a sharp blade
As if you were an arrow ready to shoot, spring and fly, ride and rise