Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire tour banner

Storytellers On Tour: Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire – Encore

Storytellers On Tour is a Blog/Instagram Tour organising service. It was born out of Justine’s (Whispers & Wonder) and my love and dedication toward SFF indie books and authors. Our goal is to give as much exposure to our clients as we can, while we also build a community among our Roadies. Find out more about us on!

This past week we gave you one of this year’s SPFBO entrants, Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire. Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with reviews, interviews and excerpts along my bad puns regarding the title (I’ve no regrets…). *ahem* Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore.

Shall we?

The Author

patrick samphire

Patrick Samphire started writing when he was fourteen years old and thought it would be a good way of getting out of English lessons. It didn’t work, but he kept on writing anyway.

He has lived in Zambia, Guyana, Austria and England. He has been charged at by a buffalo and, once, when he sat on a camel, he cried. He was only a kid. Don’t make this weird.

Patrick has worked as a teacher, an editor and publisher of physics journals, a marketing minion, and a pen pusher (real job!). Now, when he’s not writing, he designs websites and book covers. He has a PhD in theoretical physics, which means that all the unlikely science in his books is actually true. Well, most of it. Well, some of it. Maybe.

Patrick now lives in Wales, U.K. with his wife, the awesome writer Stephanie Burgis, their two sons, and their cat, Pebbles. Right now, in Wales, it is almost certainly raining.

He has published almost twenty short stories and novellas in magazines and anthologies, including Realms of Fantasy, Interzone, Strange Horizons, and The Year’s Best Fantasy, as well as one fantasy novel for adults, SHADOW OF A DEAD GOD, and two novels for children, SECRETS OF THE DRAGON TOMB and THE EMPEROR OF MARS.

The Blurb

Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire

A dead god. A brutal murder. One second-rate mage.

It was only supposed to be one little job – a simple curse-breaking for Mennik Thorn to pay back a favour to his oldest friend. But then it all blew up in his face. Now he’s been framed for a murder he didn’t commit.

So how is a second-rate mage, broke, traumatized, and with a habit of annoying the wrong people, supposed to prove his innocence when everyone believes he’s guilty?

Mennik has no choice if he is going to get out of this: he will have to throw himself into the corrupt world of the city’s high mages, a world he fled years ago. Faced by supernatural beasts, the mage-killing Ash Guard, and a ruthless, unknown adversary, it’s going to take every trick Mennik can summon just to keep him and his friend alive.

But a new, dark power is rising in Agatos, and all that stands in its way is one damaged mage…

The Tour

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire, book tour participants


Whispers & Wonder – interview



FanFiAddict – interview

Beneath a Thousand Skies – review

“This is a fantastic book that felt very much like a breath of fresh air, and I look forward to seeing how it does in SPFBO 6. In the meantime, I would highly recommend Shadow of a Dead God for anyone wanting a little mystery with their epic fantasy, and a lot of fun (and sarcasm…) along the way.”

Susy’s Cozy World – review

“It was interesting, fast-paced and with good characters. To be honest, they were good, but not amazing. But you can’t always have that. And they are enjoyable. And I hope to meet them again, so I would call it a success!”



Out of This World SFF Reviews – review

“This book had so many elements that I found enjoyable and even though it is a fairly large book at over 450 pages, the story is so compelling that it felt like a book half its size.  I recommend SHADOW OF A DEAD GOD to those who enjoy their fantasy with a good dose of mystery, cool magic, and characters who are likable despite their flaws.  A very promising beginning to Patrick Samphire’s Mennik Thorn series!”

I Can Has Books? – review

“Shadow of a Dead God is fill with twists, turns,  and I didn’t expect that moments and oh yes before I forget ghosts. A mystery with mysteries with in it’s pages. This will be a series to continue on with.”

Woven From Words – review

“Although the risks Mennik endures are high, he stops at nothing to make sure he and Benny get their names cleared. They also receive help from characters who lean toward the dark side, yet are loyal to a fault. I feel that readers will enjoy the antics depicted in Shadow of a Dead God. It is a very addicting fantasy tale!”



Under a Pile of Books – podcast interview

@metalheadreader – spotlight



Foals, Fiction & Filigree – review

“An imaginatively curious blend, I’ll be sure to check out more of the Mennik Thorn series!”

natrosette – review

“Some other things I appreciate about this book are the relationships and the personal stakes that they invoked. Nik’s friends won’t put up with any shit from him, but at the same time they always have his back. There are consequences to breaking promises and betraying people’s trust. And sure, solving the murder mystery might be beneficial to the whole city, but Nik’s motivation is merely to protect himself and those he loves. No one’s in it for the adventure or appealing to anyone’s sense of honor, which to me makes the story feel genuine.”

@aliza_khan2627 – spotlight



@debbiedoesbooks – review

“Flawed and likeable characters, good world building, magic, fantasy, mystery and it was well done. I read it as an e book but this is a book I definitely want on my shelves. I’m on board for book 2.”

The Paperback Voyager – excerpt

PaulsPicks – review

“This is the SFF romp that will take you away from it all. The Quarantine Read that will enable you to close your eyes and enter a new land and a propel you to the freedom of the imagination :)”

The Giveaway

Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire, giveaway
Shadow of a Dead God Giveaway