This past week we gave the spotlight to Truth and Other Lies, the first book in Lyra Wolf’s High Mythic Fantasy series, the Nine World Chronicles! Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with reviews and other posts. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore, including some extra content. Come and learn a bit more about the world of Truth and Other Lies through Lyra’s playlist, mood board, and our Q&A!
Shall we?

Lyra Wolf is an author caught between worlds. Ours, and those of the characters that won’t stop pestering her.
A lover of travel, Lyra has lived all over, from the cornfields of the Midwest, to the rugged mountains of Switzerland. Now, she calls the swamps of Central Florida, where “The Mouse” rules as supreme overlord, her home.
When Lyra isn’t at a theme park, listening to classic rock, or otherwise procrastinating, she writes about fantastical places and the complicated people who live there. Lyra has earned a B.A. in History and M.A. in English.

Nothing is trickier than the truth.
All Loki the trickster god of Asgard wants is a quiet, peaceful life where he’s free to needle Balder, occasionally stir up the inter-realm porridge pot, and get Thor to dress in women’s garments (for all the best reasons).
Getting beset by sudden, painful, and terribly inconvenient visions of blood, ash, and death are definitely not on his to-do list. But, because of some small, ridiculous remnant of caring that refuses to be extinguished, Loki feels he must save Asgard…and that means warning Odin, his least favorite god (next to Thor).
But getting the gods to believe the boy who cried Fenrir is harder than it looks, and time is running out, not just for Asgard, but also for a mortal woman named Sigyn who may just hold the key to Loki’s future. Loki is about to find out the hard way that the only thing crueler than truth are the lies behind it all.

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Whispers & Wonder – interview + IG spotlight

Spells & Spaceships – review
“It’s easy to get attached to Sigyn and Loki himself with Lyra building up the stakes throughout, taking you on their journey, helping you understand how Loki could arrive at the scene we see at the beginning of the book. He can be a destructive, chaotic menace and we can still feel for him, and take his side. It is to the author’s credit that she makes us care for the traditional antagonist of Norse Mythology and see things from his point of view.”
@beatrizfayereads – IG spotlight

FanFiAddict – review + IG spotlight
“I also love how the story is brimming with tension. Loki in and of himself creates plenty of interesting scenarios just day-to-day, but there is so much more here. The interplay of the gods and goddesses, thousands of years of history buried inside every conversation and interaction. Then, the prophecy of The Destroyer comes into play and every emotion gets intensified. The story has so much depth that it feels like there is always a thread to pull.”

Sadie’s Spotlight – spotlight
@the.b00kreader – IG spotlight

Sue’s Musings – review
“Lyra Wolf’s is a great version of these well-known Norse myths. Full of wit, intelligence, passion and romance. There is tension thrown in along the way and I found myself shocked at some of the things Loki does (without giving away any spoilers here). He is the god of chaos, after all, and as such it wouldn’t do to be predictable. I am eagerly looking forward to the two remaining books in this series and would recommend it to adult lovers of Norse mythology and love stories.”
@theenchantedshelf – IG spotlight

I made a collage of photos I personally took on my trip to Basel, Switzerland for research/reference for Truth and Other Lies. Each photo is an actual location I used in the book, or a room/item that helped inspire settings for the story. I was blessed to have this unique opportunity, and am grateful to bring to life a city that is close to my heart. Plus, I’m also a nerd for history, so, all this was totally my jam. I love a good medieval timber frame and lime plaster house.

Welcome to the Asylum, Lyra! Take a seat by the fire, have a glass of beverage of your choice and tell me something about yourself!
Thank you having me, and for this delicious cup of coffee. You have quite the lovely Asylum here. Very tidy. Love what you’ve done with the padded walls.
I’m Swiss-American, which makes me simultaneously pretentious about cheese and also filled with unholy urges to cover everything with cheese from a can. It can get really confusing. I also like Mozart and Chihuahuas.

What inspires your writing? Do you listen to music, stare into the fire, listen to the whispering of the wind, make deals with the Devil?
Music, by far. I get most of my ideas for scenes through music. I also make a billion playlists for characters, books, series, for first drafting, for editing, etc., just anything that helps me capture the tone I am after. It is my #1 form of inspiration.
Describe an asylum set in the world of your book, The Truth and Other Lies!
That’s a bit tricky as I have NINE worlds to choose from, so to make things less complicated, let’s just say Asgard. There, they seem to have a fondness for using chains, entrails, natural earthly formations to tuck their problems away within. So, I’d say a bleak, deserted island where you would be left tied up and forgotten, at least, until some unsuspecting person found you.
Your MC is locked in an asylum. What did he/she do to end up there?
Ha…ha…WELL…now that is an interesting question. Because, knowing Loki, the literal god of mischief, lies, and tricks, the list of possibilities is quite long.
It could be something as simple as cutting off the hair of Thor’s wife for the lolz, or something, perhaps, a bit more devious…like ending the world. It’s a true toss up. Regardless, he would be leading a revolt from within after the first five minutes.
Which fictional character (it can be one of yours) and/or author would you like to live with in an asylum and why?
Loki, because at least you’d never get bored. I mean, you’d definitely get annoyed, but you’d be entertained by it?
While you are locked in here for eternity, we will allow you one book – what would you choose?
Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the Opera. I just love it to pieces and have read it an unreasonable amount of times. It just has it all…ghosts, opera singers, unrequited love, yearning, drama, unstable geniuses with sexy, underground lairs who are good at interior decorating…and killing people, but that’s neither here nor there. Love this story forever. And Erik. I may have a type.
Well then, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay in the Asylum! Any last words? *locks door*
I love you think you can keep me locked away in here…

What Have you Done – Within Temptation
This song helped to partially inspire the rather complicated situation Loki and Odin both find themselves in, due to their blood oath. To me, this always captured the tone of Odin and his desperation as he saw everything fall apart around him.

Don’t Stop me Now – Queen
I listened to this song every day before I started writing, as it just is SO Loki. I wanted to make sure I always had that spark of fun that he thrives on, and how nothing is going to keep him from his good time. Well, almost nothing…

I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
When I was trying to find the tone for how Loki felt about Sigyn, I just kept coming back to this song. He really will do anything for her and go any distance necessary. But, I also feel that’s just how he is as a character and how he loves. He is a man of extremes and lives life fiercely.

I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ – Scissor Sisters
This is another song that is 110% Loki. It just has a strong energy about it, and yet is a song of contradiction–There’s great joy, yet great sadness. Writing Loki is a challenge. He is a character of many moods and everything is always on fire. This song gets that.

Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen
I listened to this on repeat for the main climax of the story, which was the hardest scene for me to write. I honestly suffered through 12 drafts and versions until I got it right. This song helped me find the tones I was after, especially as the character’s goals shifts dramatically during this scene.

If you are interested in Truth and Other Lies and would like to get in contact with Lyra Wolf, you can find her on social media:
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Grab a copy of Truth and Other Lies on Amazon!

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