This past week we gave the spotlight to Paladin Unbound, Jeffrey Speight’s Epic Fantasy novel. Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with their reviews, interviews and more. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore, including some extra content. Come and learn a bit more about the world of Paladin Unbound through our Q&A with Jeffrey!
Shall we?

Jeffrey Speight’s love of fantasy goes back to an early childhood viewing of the cartoon version of The Hobbit, when he first met an unsuspecting halfling that would change Middle Earth forever. Finding his own adventuring party in middle school, Jeff became an avid Dungeons & Dragons player and found a passion for worldbuilding and character creation. While he went on to a successful career as an investor, stories grew in his mind until he could no longer keep them inside. So began his passion for writing. Today, he lives in Connecticut with his wife, three boys (his current adventuring party), three dogs, and a bearded dragon. He has a firmly held belief that elves are cool, but half-orcs are cooler. While he once preferred rangers, he nearly always plays a paladin at the gaming table.

The last of a dying breed, a holy warrior must rise up against a growing darkness in Evelium.
The most unlikely of heroes, a lowly itinerant mercenary, Umhra the Peacebreaker is shunned by society for his mongrel half-Orc blood. Desperate to find work for himself and his band of fighters, Umhra agrees to help solve a rash of mysterious disappearances, but uncovers a larger, more insidious plot to overthrow the natural order of Evelium in the process.
As Umhra journeys into the depths of Telsidor’s Keep to search for the missing, he confronts an ancient evil and, after suffering a great loss, turns to the god he disavowed for help.
Compelled to save the kingdom he loves, can he defeat the enemy while protecting his true identity, or must he risk everything?

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Whispers & Wonder – interview + IG: @whispersandwonder

Fantasy Book Critic – interview
Beneath A Thousand Skies – review
“Paladin Unbound was a fun read, combining the feeling of real stakes, with the nostalgia of classical quest fantasy and the chaos of a D&D game. I loved seeing a Half-Orc character take the limelight and the feeling of being drawn into a world that was created with clear love and passion. Certainly a book for anyone with even so much as a passing interest in Dungeons and Dragons, but this is an approachable story that will appeal to fantasy fans of all ages.”
@overlookingcovers – IG spotlight

Sadie’s Spotlight – spotlight + IG: @sadiesspotlight
@chapter.mjthomas – review + IG spotlight
“An immersive and capturing read. What makes this book great is it’s amazing word building. Perfectly detailed.”

@itsjessica.readstoomuch – review + IG spotlight
“I feel I NEED to talk about the world building because Speight has done a commendable job of it. Such different races and their unique details that were subtly highlighted. There are SO MANY details of the places that I can’t help but feel that the world exists somewhere!”
@theenchantedshelf – IG spotlight

Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub – review
“This book would be perfect for fantasy newbies, ttrpg players, or readers who have traveled the length and breadth of many fantasy worlds and are looking for new adventures to go on. It left me excited and wanting more. Paladin Unbound is fantasy at its finest.”
dinipandareads – excerpt
@fantasybookcraz_mum – review + IG spotlight
“I think this is one of the best dark epic fantasy novel I’ve read this year. I absolutely loved the world building and characters. Loved the map of Elevium at the beginning and gives youba better picture.”

Al-Alhambra – review
“There are powerful stakes, heart-breaking scenes, quality writing prose and amazing combat scenes. I really enjoyed this. It’s a 10/10 from me!”
FanFiAddict – Youtube interview
Book and Nature Professor – review + IG: @bookandnatureprof
“While it is a tale of good versus evil, this band of diverse characters, each with their own power, puts a unique spin on it. Mr. Speight’s world building is fabulous as he brings Evelium to life for us. I highly recommend Paladin Unbound. You will not be disappointed.”

Welcome to the Asylum, Jeffrey! Take a seat by the fire, have a glass of beverage of your choice and tell me something about yourself!
I’m 47 and live in Connecticut with my wife and three sons. We have three dogs and a bearded dragon. When I’m not working or writing or being a husband/dad, I like to play D&D, go flyfishing, read, and watch movies.

What inspires your writing? Do you listen to music, stare into the fire, listen to the whispering of the wind, make deals with the Devil?
I’d say all of the above. I do listen to music while I’m writing. For Paladin Unbound that was a lot of Of Monsters and Men. Their music has a fantasy evoking quality to it. Sometimes, however, I just need quiet so my brain can work through the detail of a scene. At other times, I scream to the gods for help. It all depends on how things are going.

Describe an asylum set in the world of your book, Paladin Unbound!
There is one. It’s called, The Wretch. Set on an island off the coast of Evelium, it is an impenetrable fortress on towering black cliffs that houses the worst offenders of church and state. It doesn’t come into play in Paladin Unbound, but I reserve the right to bring my readers there at any point in the future.

Your MC is locked in an asylum. What did he/she do to end up there?
In Evelium, Umhra could be locked away for an eternity just for being himself. Paladins were banished ages ago in an agreement between the ruling family and the dominant religious organization. Umhra’s very existence could get him imprisoned or more-likely executed.

Which fictional character (it can be one of yours) and/or author would you like to live with in an asylum and why?
From Paladin Unbound, I’d pick Shadow. He’s witty and likes to play games, and would probably end up running the seedy underbelly of the asylum. He’s also the only person who would be able to escape with his life. I’d like to think he’d let me escape with him.

While you are locked in here for eternity, we will allow you one book – what would you choose?
I’m a pretty slow reader, so if I pick something chunky it will last me a good while and I won’t reread it all too often. I’d say The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a wonderful book that would also serve as an excellent bludgeoning tool when the inevitable riot breaks out. Seriously, you could do some damage with that thing.

Well then, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay in the Asylum! Any last words? *locks door*
I will eventually achieve lichdom and seek vengeance on those that sequestered me here. MARK MY WORDS! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

If you are interested in Paladin Unbound and would like to get in contact with Jeffrey Speight, you can find him on social media:
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Grab a copy of Paladin Unbound on Amazon!

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