This past week we gave the spotlight to Jati’s Wager, Jonathan Nevair’s Sci-Fi novel! Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with reviews, interviews and other posts. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore, including some extra content. Come and learn a bit more about the world of Jati’s Wager through Jonathan’s playlist! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Shall we?

Jonathan Nevair is a science fiction writer and, as Dr. Jonathan Wallis, an art historian and Professor of Art History at Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia. After two decades of academic teaching and publishing, he finally got up the nerve to write fiction. Jonathan grew up on Long Island, NY but now resides in southeast Pennsylvania with his wife and rambunctious mountain feist, Cricket.
You can find him online at and on twitter at @JNevair

A space opera heist brimming with action, twists, and turns that doubles as a story of personal growth, mentorship, and sacrifice.
Ailo is a streetwise teen surviving alone on the remote moonbase, Tarkassi 9. She wants nothing more than to flee into the wider world of the Arm. When her chance arrives, she makes it no farther than the first ship out of the system. That’s where Jati, the Patent War veteran and general fighting the Monopolies, gives her a second chance. It’s an unlikely partnership, but Ailo’s rogue status is just what Jati’s People’s Army needs to drive the final spike of victory into a weakening Garissian Council.
A team of experts assembles and hope rests on Ailo’s skill, stealth, and tenacity to pull off the impossible. It’s a wild gambit, and a moral code may need to be bent, or broken, to achieve success. When an internal shadow rises, casting doubt on their plans, Ailo and Jati are forced to weigh the cost of revenge against honor and justice.

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Whispers & Wonder – guest post: An Internal Character’s Double Role + IG spotlight @whispersandwonder
“For Jati’s Wager (Book II) I decided to do something different. This time a chapter appears every so often from the point of view of an imaginary friend to Ailo, one of the two protagonists (the other in this book being Jati). This imaginary friend is named Gerib. Like Book I, the story is told in 3rd person limited (from Ailo’s perspective) in “real time,” but Gerib becomes a reflective internal alternative voice between these passages.”

The Swordsmith – review
“I liked the ideas that Jonathan is putting through, there are philosophical ideas, ecological as well as political. This is also an action packed book, from ship to ship combat (which is really well written) to on the ground combat and again, the action scenes were well written and were always exciting!”
Spells & Spaceships – review
“Make sure to be mentally prepared as there is heartbreak and turmoil, the ending being particularly poignant and leaving me speechless, without giving away any spoilers.”
@breysreviews – review + IG spotlight
“I love a good sci-fi with some comedy, and if you do as well, I think you’d really enjoy this!”

Beneath A Thousand Skies – review
“Jati’s Wager is an absolutely fantastic addition to the series, and in my opinion, has taken it to new heights. I can’t wait to see where Nevair takes us for the final book in the series, and Jati’s Wager has firmly cemented Wind Tide as one of my favourite Sci-Fi series. This is a book and series that you need on your shelf if you enjoy multifaceted space operas, with all the scope and epicness of a far-reaching universe, combined with the intimacy of a character-driven story.”
@fantasybookcraz_mum – review + IG spotlight
“Phenomenal world building and we are introduced to a few new characters. Nevair has the ability to bring out all sorts of emotions with his characters.”

Westveil Publishing – review + IG spotlight @thewestveilarchives
“All in all, Jati’s Wager is a great book by itself and a strong second book in what’s shaping up to be an amazing trilogy. I’m both very excited to read book three when it comes, but also sad to think the trilogy will come to an end with the next book. A loyal reader has been gained! Expect me to review anything Nevair puts out after this trilogy concludes.”

Marian L Thorpe – review
“Fast paced and complex, Jati’s Wager is a book that needs your full attention. Packed with action, the story moves forward rapidly, but the action invites deeper moral questions, not just for Ailo, but for the reader.”
Olliespot SFF Book Reviews and Interviews – review
“Actually, the entire story serves up some very positive lessons in what’s really important in life. To do that there has to be tragedy, and Jonathan has excelled at creating a complex group of relationships, in a galactic proportion, with worlds in the balance that I really felt. It’s a cleansing experience for me to have an emotional reaction to a book.”

I Smell Sheep – spotlight
Sue’s Musings – review
“I would recommend Jati’s Wager to fans of Space Opera style fiction, but also to those who enjoy a heist story, and are interested in the psychology of trauma survival. The novel is extremely well-written, with believable characters whose motivation, ethics and determination ring true. There is epic, imaginative world-building, strategizing, a mole, a trap, an exciting and life-threatening escape, an amazingly edge-of-seat inducing heist and more than a couple of twists in the tale, I can’t wait for the final part of this trilogy!”

If 6 Was 9 (Jimi Hendrix)
If ever a song was a fitting anthem for Jati, it’s this one. Thinking outside the box (what is a box? Is there a box?), a philosophy of letting go (and giving in), challenging the pressures of society that hold our wants and desires and our actions in check. It’s all there. And it’s got just a bit of that cosmic edge. “Let me live my life the way I want to.”

Star (Allah-Las)
Oh, this is so groovy and chill – the vibes remind me of the landing port along the coast in Gontook on the planet, Heroon. Nisi arriving with her sunglasses reflecting Nushaba’s rays, yellow dust rising across the tarmac from the pod’s exhaust burners. Everyone on the team meeting up and cooling out with cantinool ciggies, etc. The flow of this song is just right for the “meet up.”

Black Acid (The Death Hawkes)
I wrote a lot of the book to this song running on a loop. It captures the heist vibe for me, and the action, but also the moments of breakthrough (especially at 2:10) in the narrative. It just works for space adventure so well, and the sustained groove is spot on for most of the tension in the action scenes in the novel. Whether hurtling through FTL on the Carmora or dashing away from your captors, this one fits.

Amir (Henri Texier)
Welcome to the backcountry on Heroon. Cantinool trees, cantinas, Swamp Boars… I just picture an aerial view of verdant beauty that hides an alluring world underneath the cover of rainforest foliage.

What’s So (John Paul White)
The ending for sure. Planet: Ceron. The city of Garassit and its government palace. All that Ailo and the others go through. Somehow this captures the emotional spirit of that ending, all the visceral aspects that go into it. We all have flaws. We all struggle. We’re all “treading water.” Just a little bit of a rough edge too – like a knife blade with a few nicks in it. “The difference between what should be and what’s so…” – yep. Bullseye.

If you are interested in Jati’s Wager and would like to get in contact with Jonathan Nevair, you can find him on social media:
Connect with Shadow Spark Publishing
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Grab a copy of Jati’s Wager!

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