This past week we gave the spotlight to The Other Magic, Derrick Smythe’s Epic Fantasy novel! Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with reviews, interviews and other posts. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Shall we?

Derrick Smythe has been fascinated with all things elvish, dwarvish, and magical since his days of running through the woods with sharpened sticks in defense of whatever fortification he and his brothers had built that summer. After consuming nearly every fantasy book he could find, he was driven to begin work on one of his own. When he isn’t dreaming up new stories, he can be spotted hiking the Adirondack Mountains or traveling the world. He currently resides near his hometown in upstate New York with his enchanting wife, ethereal daughters, and his faithful-if-neurotic Australian Shepherd, Magnus. Derrick’s debut novel, “The Other Magic” (Dec. 2019), is the first installment in his epic fantasy series, Passage to Dawn. A series prequel, “To Earn the Sash”, released on November 30, 2020 and the second book in the series titled, “The Other Way”, is scheduled for release in November of 2021.

The men secured the shackles slowly, hesitantly, but Kibure did not resist; he couldn’t. Whatever otherworldly power had come over him in those moments of passion had fled his body the second he realized what he had done…
In a realm where only clerics are permitted to practice magic, Kibure’s inexplicable use of power places him in grave danger. In a twist of fate, the rogue priestess hired to strip him of his power chooses instead to help him escape. Her reasons for doing so are her own, but something worse than death awaits if they are unable to evade the Empire’s most potent wielders.

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Whispers & Wonder – interview + IG spotlight @whispersandwonder

SEPTEMBER 9TH – review + IG tour
“I enjoyed the characters, their little complexities, and the way they turned typical fantasy archetypes on their heads. There were some laugh-out-loud lines and no shortage of cliffhangers, which made it one of those unputdownable tomes that left me itching to get back to it!“

Sadie’s Spotlight – spotlight + IG spotlight @sadiesspotlight

@pagesinkedinshadows – IG spotlight

Book and Nature Professor – review + IG spotlight @bookandnatureprof
“As a debut epic fantasy, The Other Magic by Derrick Smythe, is more than an impressive addition to the genre. All the fantasy elements are in place. The character development is among the best I’ve read in fantasy. Each character, and not just the main protagonists, are richly developed with growth and complete character arcs. They run the gamut of characteristics, from outright evil, to kind, morally ambiguous, and spoiled. Each elicits a different response from the reader.”
@apocketfuloftomes – review + IG spotlight
“Politics, greed, social classes, religion are some of the plot points of the book. It’s filled with adventure, intrigue, a dash of humor, and of course magic!”

Sometimes Leelynn Reads – review
“With a lot of long fantasy novels that I’ve read, there are some things that may seem like it would be better condensed, but I personally like it drawn out since we have the time to do it. That’s a personal preference though, and it definitely depends on the book, but in this case I think having that kind of backstory helped me have an enjoyable experience.”
@rhianyddmorris – review + IG spotlight
“This is a brilliant fantasy full of magic and mystery…”

If you are interested in The Other Magic and would like to get in contact with Derrick Smythe, you can find him on social media:
Find out more about Storytellers On Tour or join our team:
Grab a copy of The Other Magic!

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