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Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau – Tour Encore

This past week we gave the spotlight to Dreams of the Dying, Nicolas Lietzau’s Grimdark Fantasy novel, the first book in the Enderal series. Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with their reviews, interviews and more. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Shall we?

Meet the Author
Nicolas Lietzau

I’m a German author best known for my writing for the award-winning indie videogame Enderal, which grew from niche favorite to cult hit.

Growing up in both the heart of Munich and a bucolic Bavarian farmhouse, my love for stories began by reading German fairytales in the attic and was nurtured by copious amounts of fiction, ranging from fantasy to horror to historical to literary.

Many things have shaped my writing: a turbulent childhood, living in five different countries, and a loss of reality I suffered due to experiments in lucid dreaming. I feel drawn to people and experiences off the beaten path and try to make my work reflect that.

When I’m not writing or reading, I make music, travel, longboard, study languages, and try to see and experience as much of the world as I can. I’m currently working on the second Enderal novel.

Sign up to my newsletter or follow me on social media to stay up to date on my latest work. Also, a big thanks to all my patrons – you make my work possible.

Connect with Nicolas Lietzau

Book Blurb
Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau

Years after a harrowing war experience, ex-mercenary Jespar Dal’Varek has taken to drifting. It’s a lonely existence, but, barring the occasional bout of melancholia, he has found the closest thing to peace a man like him deserves. Life is “all right.”

Or so he believes. Hoping to turn the page, Jespar accepts a mysterious invitation into the beautiful but dangerous archipelago of Kilay-and everything changes.

Plagued by explosive social tensions and terrorism, the tropical empire is edging ever closer to civil war. Kilay’s merchant king is the only person able to prevent this catastrophe, but he has fallen into a preternatural coma-and it’s Jespar’s task to figure out what or who caused it. As the investigation takes him across the archipelago and into the king’s nightmares, unexpected events not only tie Jespar’s own life to the mystery but also unearth inner demons he believed to be long exorcised.

Battling old trauma while fighting for his life, his sanity, and the fate of Kilay, the line between dream and reality blurs until only one question remains: If your mind is the enemy, where do you run?

The Tour

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau hosts banner


Whispers & Wonder – interview + IG spotlight @whispersandwonder



The Swordsmith – review

“This is a wonderful example of character driven fantasy, Nicholas tackles so many issues in this book through them such as redemption, trauma, love, power, poverty and wealth. There was so much to this novel that it might need to read it again to really fully grasp it!  Speaking of the characters and they are wonderful, Nichola’s characterisation is outstanding!  Jespar, The Man, Agamm, Lysia, Kawu and many more well drawn, compelling characters.  You will see emotions laid bare, flawed and morally grey characters and they are just simply wonderful!”

@apocketfuloftomes – review + IG spotlight

“Overall, Dreams of the Dying is a must-read for all fantasy readers. Its intricate world-building and magic system, paired with its skillful weaving of social commentaries throughout its narrative is a book to be savored.”



Rusty’s Reads – review

“The author took a lot of risks with this book, and I think most of them were used with precision and careful attention.  Of course, in taking risks I suspect that some readers will be rewarded with an even better result while other readers may be quickly frustrated or distracted.  Fortunately, my son and I were in the first category and felt this made the book highly original, complex and thought-provoking.

To be honest, this is not a light read.  There are intense scenes and some of the depictions of the madness Jespar faces can be very gripping.  Of course, there is a good sprinkling of lighter moments, but it is still a darker story overall.

This was an emotional and mental roller-coaster that is worth the ride.”

@thenerdynook – IG spotlight



The Bibliophile Chronicles – excerpt

Beneath A Thousand Skies – review

“As fantastic as the worldbuilding and characterisation are, it is the writing which really brought it to life for me and this was not a short book, but I could have happily read so much more of Lietzau’s writing – and look forward to rereading it and reading more of it in the future. He has a fantastic way of creating an immersive experience grounded in reality, while also capturing the quality of a dream or being lost in the depths of your own mind.”

@fantasybookcraz_mum – review + IG spotlight

“Dreams of the Dying is a dark and brutal book yet an absolute page turner. Also the book cover is absolutely stunning. Definitely recommend this book.”

@bubbleswrapherbooks – review + IG spotlight

“THE WORLD-BUILDING IS PHENOMENAL. This book is a fantasy with a fantastic magic system but the author managed to create a new world which seems real. I love how it has its own touches of culture, fashion, religion, language and many more. The CHARACTERS are relatable because of their flaws. I also love how the character of Jespar, the main protagonist, is well-developed.”



Libraryofaviking – review

“The world-building is phenomenal, and this world is rich with history, different cultures and locations. Moreover, Lietzau has created a fascinating magic system where the dream world plays a key role. I love how ‘dreams’ have a central role in this book. Lietzau has some interesting and thought-provoking takes on the dreamworld, which I loved learning more about!”

@kevinscorner – review + IG spotlight

“As the plot unraveled, we see the brilliance of the scheme, the machinations behind the conspiracy, and the dramatic conclusion as things come to a head. It was spectacular actually.”

@ofproseandspells – review + IG spotlight

“I liked how this book made me think and question the heavy topics that were discussed. Most of the narrative revolved and addressed mental health issues and social commentaries, and they were expertly handled. These themes which were very relevant today added to the complexity of the story.”



I Can Has Books? – review + IG spotlight @carrieicanhasbooks

“Dreams of the Dying is dark, and messed up. Take that as a complement. I like dark books. It is very twisty and we follow multiple timelines and people. Jespar and the Man.
Mental health is very prominent through out the story, Jespar as I said he is haunted by his nightmares, he get’s tossed back to horrific scenes he has dealt with from war to his family. He has much to deal with, from his own mental state to his feels for both his travel companions/ fellow investigators in this mission.

@abbeysbooktopia – review + IG spotlight

“The magic system was one of my favourite parts. The necromancy and dream walking was such an interesting concept. This book really mashed up genres that aren’t usual for a adult fantasy book.”

Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau IG wrap up

Grab a copy of Dreams of the Dying!

Dreams of the Dying by Nicolas Lietzau
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