This past week we gave the spotlight to Creation, Bjørn Larssen’s Humorous Fantasy novella, the first book in the Why Odin Drinks series. Our Roadies brought a wide selection of content to this show with their reviews, interviews and more. Now it’s time to bring the show to an end and it’s my pleasure to present you with the encore, including some extra content. Come and learn a bit more about the world of Creation through our Q&A with Bjørn!
Shall we?

Bjørn Larssen is a Norse heathen made in Poland, but mostly located in a Dutch suburb, except for his heart which he lost in Iceland. Born in 1977, he self-published his first graphic novel at the age of seven in a limited edition of one, following this achievement several decades later with his first book containing multiple sentences and winning awards he didn’t design himself. His writing is described as ‘dark’ and ‘literary’, but he remains incapable of taking anything seriously for more than 60 seconds.
Bjørn has a degree in mathematics and has worked as a graphic designer, a model, a bartender, and a blacksmith (not all at the same time). His hobbies include sitting by open fires, dressing like an extra from Vikings, installing operating systems, and dreaming about living in a log cabin in the north of Iceland. He owns one (1) husband and is owned by one (1) neighbourhood cat.
Connect with Bjørn Larssen

In the beginning there was confusion.
Ever woken up being a God, but not knowing how to God properly? Your brothers keep creating mosquitoes and celery and other, more threatening weapons. What can your ultimate answer be – the one that will make you THE All-Father and them, at best, the All-Those-Uncles-We-All-Have-But-Don’t-Talk-About?
“FML! The answer’s why I drink!” – Odin
Perfect for fans of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, and Mrs Brown’s Boys.

Click on the blog name to read their full review or other content!

Whispers & Wonder – interview + IG spotlight @whispersandwonder

Spells & Spaceships – review
“Nevertheless, humour is universal and there is so much charm, wit and fun that fills the vast majority of this book that I am confident in saying anyone with a sense of humour can and will enjoy Creation.”
Sadie’s Spotlight – spotlight + IG spotlight @sadiesspotlight

Beneath A Thousand Skies – review
“This is a book that you can devour in a single sitting, and to be honest you’ll want to because Larssen’s humour and writing will make you want to keep reading, although there are certainly moments that you’ll want to savour like a fine wine (just keep it away from Odin). Creation was a delight to read, and for me, you can keep your comparisons to the likes of Pratchett and Adams – because this is the book that is going to be on my shelf, and I have already pre-ordered the sequel ‘Wisdom’, because I need more of this wonderful series and if he wasn’t before Larssen is firmly a must-buy author for me now.”
Phil Parker – review
“Creation: Why Odin Drinks, is great fun. It’s not easy to sustain wry, ironic humour but Bjorn manages it without any problems. The choice of topics he lampoons is part of the success, such as celery, such a pointless thing. And mosquitoes too. They are the product of some mean-spirited being if you ask me.”

UnchartedLibrary – review
“Creation takes these Norse creation myths, as you may deduce from the title, and introduces them in a playful and witty way that had me tearing through the pages thanks to Larssen’s smooth prose.”

HighhFantasy – review
“With tongue held firmly in cheek, Larssen has crafted a satire that would make Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett proud. My face is sore for smiling the whole time through this hour and half or so read.”
dinipandareads – review
“Larssen has a way of wittily grabbing your attention with sarcastic and humorous dialogue that never failed to make me laugh throughout the read! He does include some cheeky references that almost flew over my head and that gave me a pretty good chuckle when I realised it (that’s what Odin would call foreshadowing) but you don’t need to “get it” for this story to be entertaining. Although it is humorous, Larssen still manages to ask the big philosophical questions as Odin and his brothers continue discovering new things.”

Westveil Publishing – review + IG spotlight @thewestveilarchives
“This is Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett level dry humour that does not stop hitting. It manages to remain quite true to traditional Norse mythology and classic portrayals of Odin, The Allfather, while still having a heck of a lot of fun and taking a lot of artistic license with the storytelling.”
FanFiAddict – review
“Creation is a quick and light read full of humorous musings on the purpose of some things (flowers have a right to defend themselves!) and the nature of our existence. Because it’s so light on an actual plot, I found it easy to pick it up and put it down at will without worrying whether I would get lost. I especially enjoyed being able to pick up on the little callbacks to actual Norse mythology that was scattered through the text.”

Welcome to the Asylum, Bjørn! Take a seat by the fire, have a glass of beverage of your choice and tell me something about yourself!
Mmm, fire. *moves the armchair a bit too close* I’ll have the Queen’s best whisky, please. I won’t be able to appreciate it, because I’m a simpleton, but I’ll brag about it for the rest of eternity.

What inspires your writing? Do you listen to music, stare into the fire, listen to the whispering of the wind, make deals with Loki?
Norse culture and Iceland, no doubt, either in this or other order. When I was writing Storytellers I obsessively played Ásgeir’s Dýrð í dauðaþögn – a life-changing record for me. His latest, Sátt, is much sadder and more introspective, and definitely shaped Children. As for Creation? 90s europop. If I had to choose a song that sounds like Creation reads, it would be “Drop a House” by DJ DeMarko! feat. Heather Leigh West.
My sense of humour is…not for everyone. Jenny Lawson, Allie Brosh, Samantha Irby, Sir Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, carefully selected works of Clayton Snyder, 80s British comedy… It doesn’t matter what I’m writing, it’s going to become funny on some level, even if it’s grimdark. I’m very serious about humour.

Describe an asylum set in the world of your book, Creation!
Ásgard would make a good one. Peaceful, quiet, small, self-contained, nobody can enter… hang on. Maybe it already is an ásylum.

Your MC is locked in an asylum. What did he/she do to end up there?
Everything. Literally. Odin’s busy creating the Universe and it’s not going great with his brothers constantly interrupting. (And mosquitoes.) He’d probably be relieved to get some rest.

Which fictional character (it can be one of yours) and/or author would you like to live with in an asylum and why?
Live with? On one hand, never meet your heroes, on the other, I don’t want to be stuck with some asshole (I hope there are no mirrors in here?) You know what, I pick Magni from Children. With his strength, once we get bored of the asylum, we’re getting out, no matter how thick the walls are and what they’re made of.

While you are locked in here for eternity, we will allow you one book – what would you choose?
The Children of Ash and Elm by Neil Price. I really, really, REALLY need to read it, I know it’s well written (I got at least to page 30), but my brain goes “ew, research is boring” and won’t let me. The “should” overpowers the “want,” if it makes sense. It doesn’t? I think I just explained why I belong here.

Well then, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay in the Asylum! Any last words? *locks door*
Wait! Can I have more firewood?
Grab a copy of Creation!

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