What the Hungarian?! SPFBO 9 Edition: Philinna Wood

What the Hungarian?! – Philinna Wood

Üdv! Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you had no idea what was being said? Well, the brave people taking part in the What the Hungarian?! feature can experience exactly that. 5 quotes, 5 guesses, and 5 answers. How well would you do?

If you’d like to try this feature out, please contact us for further details!

For SPFBO 9 I’m returning to my old tradition, where I offer to the authors in our batch a spotlight on Queen’s Book Asylum. While in previous years I created a new feature, this year I let them choose between all of my available ones: What the Hungarian?!, Tales from the Asylum, Stuck in the Pages, Party with the Stars, To Be Continued…, as well as the regular author spotlight options of an interview, and a guest post.

Philinna Wood, author of Fae Gods: Maze, chose the challenge of What the Hungarian?!, let’s see how she did with it!

The Rules
  • You get the first passages in Hungarian (translated by me, but they should do) from 5 books you’ve read, and a couple of hints.
  • You have to guess which book they are from. And for extra fun, share your thought process with us!
  • You can also ask 3 questions regarding any of the passages (1 question/passage) which I’ll answer with yes, no or I don’t know – as I didn’t read each of the books.
  • You can’t use a dictionary or a translator.
  • And you just have to have fun!

Simple, isn’t it?

Meet the Author
Philinna Wood

Philinna Wood is a fantasy author. She loves telling stories about characters who fight for their beliefs, sacrifice themselves for love, and seek the truths that will liberate the world.

Connect with Philinna Wood
What the Hungarian?!


“Mennyi kettő meg kettő?”

Van valami irritáló a kérdésben. Fáradt vagyok. Visszaalszok.

Néhány perc elteltével újra hallom.

“Mennyi kettő meg kettő?”

A lágy női hangban nincs semmiféle érzelem és a kiejtés és ugyanaz mint az előző alkalommal. Ez egy számítógép. Egy számítógép cseszeget. Ez még jobban irritál.

“Hrbkn”, mondom. Meglepő. “Hagyj békén” lett volna amit mondani akartam – szerintem teljesen érthető reakció a részemről – de képtelen vagyok a beszédre.

Hints: Standalone, trad published, male author, astronaut

Philinna Wood: Hmm, I’m pretty certain this is Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir because it’s the only Sci-fi book I’ve ever read!! The astronaut hint gave it away!

Guess: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

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The correct answer: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

The Original Quote

“What’s two plus two?”

Something about the question irritates me. I’m tired. I drift back to sleep.
A few minutes pass, then I hear it again.

“What’s two plus two?”
The soft, feminine voice lacks emotion and the pronunciation is identical to the previous time she said it. It’s a computer. A computer is hassling me. I’m even more irritated now.

“Lrmln,” I say. I’m surprised. I meant to say “Leave me alone” – a completely reasonable response in my opinion – but I failed to speak.



Apám király volt, és királyok fia. Alacsony férfi volt, ahogy mindannyian, felépítése hasonlított egy bikáéra, széles vállaival. Anyám tizennégy éves volt amikor összeházasodtak, a papnő megesküdött hogy termékeny. Jó párosítás volt: egyetlen gyermek volt, így az apja vagyona a férjére szállt.

Apám az esküvőig nem tudta, hogy együgyű. Az apja kínosan ügyelt rá, hogy fátyol fedje a ceremóniáig, és az apám a kedvére tett. Ha kiderül, hogy csúnya, mindig akadtak rabszolga lányok és felszólgáló fiúk. Mikor végre fellebbent a fátyol, azt mondják anyám mosolygott. Innen tudták, hogy bolond. A menyasszonyok nem mosolyognak.

Hints: standalone, trad published, female author, retelling

Philinna Wood: Oooof that’s a tough one. Retelling … it must be one of the Greek myth retellings from the goddess Madeline Miller. So either Circe or The Song of Achilles … But I know the opening sentence of Circe by heart and it is much longer than this, so I will go with …

Guess: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

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The correct answer: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

The Original Quote

My father was a king and the son of kings. He was a short man, as most of us were, and built like a bull, all shoulders. He married my mother when she was fourteen and sworn by the priestess to be fruitful. It was a good match: she was an only child, and her father’s fortune would go to her husband.

He did not find out until the wedding that she was simple. Her father had been scrupulous about keeping her veiled until the ceremony, and my father had humoured him. If she were ugly, there were always slave girls and serving boys. When at last they pulled off the veil, they say my mother smiled. That is how they knew she was quite stupid. Brides did not smile.



Egy álmos vasárnap délután, egy fákkal szegélyezett utcán egy hosszú sötét kabátba burkolózott férfi habozva állt egy ház előtt. Nem parkolt le autóval, taxival sem érkezett. A szomszédok nem látták őt az utcán sétálni. Egyszerűen megjelent, mintha két árnyék közül lépett volna ki.

A férfi az ajóhoz sétált és kopogtatásra emelte az öklét.

Odabent _ a nappali szőnyegén ülve majszolta a mikrótól kissé átázott és ketchupba tunkolt halrudakat. Ikertestvére, _, a kanapén aludt egy takaróba csavarva, hüvelykujja gyumölcs puncstól maszatos szájában. A kanapé másik végén a nővérük, _, a TV-t bámulta, kísérteties vágott pupillájú tekintete a rajzfilm egérre szegeződött, ami a rajzfilm macska elől menekült. Nevetett, mikor úgy tűnt az egér hamarosan eledellé válik.

Hints: Book 1 of a series, traditionally published, female author

Philinna Wood: I have no idea whatsoever! The only word I recognize in this passage is TV haha and it makes me wonder because I rarely read urban fantasy books, except for The House of Blood and Earth.

Guess: The House of Blood and Earth by Sarah J. Maas

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The correct answer: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

The Original Quote

On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, a man in a long dark coat hesitated in front of a house on a tree-lined street. He hadn’t parked a car, nor had he come by taxi. No neighbor had seen him strolling along the sidewalk. He simply appeared, as if stepping between one shadow and the next.

The man walked to the door and lifted his fist to knock.

Inside the house, Jude sat on the living room rug and ate fish sticks, soggy from the microwave and dragged through a sludge of ketchup. Her twin sister, Taryn, napped on the couch, curled around a blanket, thumb in her fruit-punch-stained mouth. And on the other end of the sofa, their older sister, Vivienne, stared at the television screen, her eerie, split-pupiled gaze fixed on the cartoon mouse as it ran from the cartoon cat. She laughed when it seemed as if the mouse was about to get eaten.



Megpróbálom elmondani miért tettem, amit tettem. Ez az egyetlen módja, hogy túléljek és remélem, még most is, hogy büszke lennél az elhatározásomra, hogy nem tágítok.

Istenem. Büszke. Tán beteg vagyok, hogy még mindig gyengédséggel gondolok rád, a sok vér és be nem váltott ígéret után?

Nem számít. Máshogy nem lehet. Csakis a teljes leírása a közös életünknek, a remegő kezdetektől egészen a brutális végig. Félek beleőrülök, ha nem hagyhatok hátra valamiféle feljegyzést. Ha leírom, nem fogom tudni meggyőzni magam, hogy mindez meg sem történt. Nem fogom tudni azt mondani magamnak, hogy semmit sem gondoltál komolyan, hogy minden csak egy borzalmas álom volt.

Hints: book 1 in a series, trad published, female author, marriage sucks

Philinna Wood:  Marriage sucks … hmmm … I don’t recall reading such a book … I really don’t know. The only thing related to marriage that comes to mind is A Dowry of Blood. It also has vampires so it could be a nice pun: “marriage sucks” 

Guess: A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson

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The correct answer: A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson

The Original Quote

I am trying to tell you why I did what I did. It is the only way I can think to survive and I hope, even now, that you would be proud of my determination to persist.

God. Proud. Am I sick to still think on you softly, even after all the blood and broken promises?

No matter. Nothing else will do. Nothing less than a full account of our life together, from the trembling start all the way to the brutal end. I fear I will go mad if I don’t leave behind some kind of record. If I write it down, I won’t be able to convince myself that none of it happened. I won’t be able to tell myself that you didn’t mean any of it, that it was all just some terrible dream.



A király akkor még nem tudta, hogy a legnagyobb szerelme egyben a pusztulása is lesz – vagy hogy egy apró, tehetetlen ember gyermek képében fog érkezni.

Magányos villanásnyi élet a végtelen kiterjedésű rothadásban, az egyetlen halandó száz mérföldnyire. A gyermek talán négy, talán nyolc éves lehetett – nehéz volt megállapítani mert olyan apró volt, még emberi mértékkel is. Csak egy törékeny teremtmény tágra nyílt szükre szemekkel fényes fekete hajfüggöny mögött.

A lány családja vélhetően az elszenesedett gerendák és kőtörmelék alatt hevert, a felismerhetetlenségig összezúzva. Vagy talán elpusztult testük elhagyatottan hevert az éjszakában, ragadozók martalékává válva, mint azok amik a gyermek körül lopakodtak, a nyulra vadászó sólyom figyelő tekintetével.

Hints: first book of a series, self-published, female author, bloody race

Philinna Wood: Bloody race must mean vampires … which makes me think it’s either Dowry of Blood or The Serpent and the Wings of Night. But Dowry of Blood is a standalone so …

Guess: The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent

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The correct answer: The Blood-Tainted Winter by T.L. Greylock

The Original Quote

The king did not know then that his greatest love would also be his ruination – nor that either would come in the form of a tiny, helpless human child.

She was a lone flutter of life in an endless expanse of decay, the only living mortal for a hundred miles. The child was perhaps four, perhaps eight – it was hard to tell, because she was so, so small, even by human standards. Just a frail little creature with slick black hair that curtained wide gray eyes.

Somewhere, buried beneath charred beams and crumbled stone, the girl’s family likely lay crushed beyond recognition. Or perhaps their ravaged bodies had been left out in the night, taken by predators just like the ones that stalked the child now, looking down at her with the interest that a hawk afforded a rabbit.

Results: 4/5

Well done, Philinna!

Grab a copy of Fae Gods: Maze!

Fae Gods: Maze by Philinna Wood

If you’d like to try this feature out, please contact us for further details!

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