Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. Bjørn and I will pick a song alternatively on each Monday and share our thoughts about them. Bjørn’s pick this week is Mona Lisa’s Packing, Leaving Late Tonight by Sparks.

Have you ever thought what Mona Lisa really feels like? “The current atmosphere has proved too much for her/And she’s making a decision, do what’s right for her” – I so relate, Mona. How could anyone have missed the lack of natural depth in her uncontrollable giggling on that portrait? I hear you’re going to some old island with gorgeous views, can I please come along? I am just as disturbed, perturbed, and uptight as you. All I ask for is good wifi, underfloor heating in my cave, and that I can order a pizza. Then we can sit by a fire together, saying nothing.
Sigh. Now I want to be Mona Lisa.

She might seem dispassionate, but that’s not true
She feels much the same as everyone, me and you
But the current atmosphere is too, too much for her
And she’s making a decision, do what’s right for her
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
All the world is agitated, ill at ease
But she always felt she’d rise above all maladies
But it’s not become impossible for her to smile
So she’s gonna take a credit card and rack up miles
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
I had no idea she could mask her fear
This is one surprise
I can sympathize
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
Where’s she going, I can only take a guess
I imagine some old island somewhere decompressed
Where she’s far away from all the pain and misery
Hope the island’s sun-draped bathers passed as imagery
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
I had no idea, she could mask her fear
This is no surprise
I can sympathize
No one knew she was so disturbed
No one knew, she seemed imperturbed
No one knew she was so uptight
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
The Mona Lisa’s packing, leaving late tonight
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