Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. Bjørn and I will pick a song alternatively on each Monday and share our thoughts about them. Timy’s pick this week is Say It by Blue October.

Every once in a while a song pops up out of nowhere at exactly the right time and it just hits you. And it doesn’t matter if it has been on your playlist for years without any particular notice, or if it’s a song you’ve known for years and liked it. In the End by Linkin Park tends to do that for me. A few months ago, however, it was Say It by Blue October. I had no idea this song was on my Spotify playlist, although apparently, I did like it at one point. It was late at night and I was winding down after a long day, and it just came up. My mind was blown. I have no idea how I didn’t remember this song, but I sure as hell won’t forget it for a long time. And you should get it stuck in your head too. You are welcome.

It’s all about steam
It’s all about dreams
It’s all about making the best out of everything
You’ll know when your fine
Cause you’ll talk like a mime
You’ll fall on your face
You get back up and you’re doing fine
“a considerate clown, a preachy preachy machine”
Is one of the sweetest things you would say about me
But I don’t have the time for your distorted esteem
Why are you toying with my mind?
I don’t wanna hear you say it
Now you’re fucking with my pride
You think you’re smarter than me
Well everyone knows you will never be smarter than me
That’s how it goes
I gained forty pounds because of you
Was there an S on my chest
Well I confess, you were too much stress
I’d have a heart attack at best
So now I breathe it out, I breathe it out
I spit it on the crowd cause they lift me up, they lift me up, they lift me up
When I’m feeling down
What am I spitting out? spitting out, something we never talk about
It’s called my mind
I don’t wanna hear you say it
Now you’re messing with my pride
I’m sick of standing in your line
So now you’ll have to take it
Take this to heart
I will never let you fuck me over
Stop talking down to me your war is old
Your game is over
So here’s my coldest shoulder
I don’t wanna hear you say it
Now you’re messing with my pride
Something we don’t talk about
Something we never talk about
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