n May, as you probably noticed, we took things a bit easy as we all had our personal lives intruding and quite frankly, we all deserve a break every once in a while. Also, burnout is a real fucking thing. Just saying. But we still didn’t leave you all alone, we toured books, we reviewed some, revealed covers and some of us are preparing for the next round of SPFBO. But I’ll talk more about that in later posts. For now, let’s see what we had on offer in May!
Monthly Wrap Up: April 2021
In April we finished up SPFBO 6, we posted some reviews, a lot of spotlights, and fun stuff, toured books and showed off covers, so buckle your belts, and let’s see what we were up to in April!
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2021
In March we celebrated our 3rd anniversary as well as Storytellers On Tour’s first one. We’ve managed to read and review books, continued with the SPFBO Finals, finished the first SPFBO Special Edition To Be Continued story, revealed covers, toured with books and showed off others.
Monthly Wrap Up: February 2021
February went away way too fast. I WANT MY BIRTHDAY MONTH BACK! *ahem* We’ve been busy with SPFBO reading and SoT and a lot of other things. Though, to be absolutely honest, I’m struggling with reading a lot these days, so it’s probably about time for me to take a nice long break.
But fear not, we still had quite a lot of content in February including reviews, author spotlight, book tours and a lot of other things.
Monthly Wrap Up: January 2021
Well, you guys can’t say I don’t know how to kick a year off. In the first days of January, I dropped the news of changing the blog’s name to Queen’s Book Asylum. Then went on and launched my own music-themed reading challenge, The Sound of Madness (still not too late to join). It both feels like it’s been a long time ago and yesterday. Weird. Anyway, thankfully we had a lot of other content up on the blog your reading pleasures.
Monthly Wrap Up: December 2020
Can you believe it’s already December? This year went by so fast, even if sometimes it seemed like time was dragging. It’s traditionally time to look back at the year, but I’ll keep most of that for the annual anniversary post in March. Here I’m only going to say that I basically met non of my goals set for myself. But then, 2020 brought on challenges none of us saw coming. We’ve been taking things easy in December to give us some breathing room, so we only had a couple of reviews and tour encore posts.
Monthly Wrap Up: November 2020
November came and went and my second month living alone has passed. I spent November on different crafting projects and reading some truly awesome books. And giving the blog a bit of face lifting. What? I can’t stop fiddling with it, go away. But of course, we had some other posts other than reviews as well – cover reveals, an interview, book tours.
Monthly Wrap Up: October 2020
Aside the excitement of my moving, in October blog posts were written, SPFBO books were read, lists were made, tours were organized.
Monthly Wrap Up: September 2020
September turned out to be a way busier month than I expected, and that’s saying something. With a twist of fate even I didn’t see coming, I ended up renting a flat. Official moving in day is October 1st. Things happened within 2 weeks basically. What started out as a casual looking around for flats resulted in my actually renting one. The funny thing is, I only really looked at 2 before jumping on the second one. I did not expect to move anytime before February, really. Oh well.
Monthly Wrap Up: August 2020
August went away pretty quickly. I had a 2 weeks long vacation, 1 of which I spent in the countryside which was a nice break. I also read 3 books that week which is not something that happens to me a lot these days. But since we came home my sleeping went to shit and I’m still trying to catch up to myself and not feel like a train went through me… Anyway, vacation did not mean I was being lazy.