July, thankfully was a much calmer/quieter month, although this might be because I pretty much kept to myself. I had some ups and downs in my mood and had a lot of things to think about. And I was also busy with the blog, Storytellers on Tour and SPFBO. I promise I’ll stop fiddling with the blog design one day… But I quite like the new header images, so… *shrug*
Monthly Wrap Up: June 2020
Hoo boy, June was A MONTH. And we are only halfway through 2020. It started with me working my ass off to get the blog ready for the moving. That is, we moved RockStarlit BookAsylum from Wordpress.com to a self-hosted Wordpress site and if I can say so, it looks fucking great. Which is only fair, as I worked more on this than I care to admit. On the day before the final move I basically sat before my screen for 12 hours straight to make sure everything is as it should be. And that was only the last day. But thankfully everything went well and to celebrate we announced our newest staff member, Arina! I’m excited she joined us and I hope the blog will be only better for it 🙂
Monthly Wrap Up: May 2020
I know 2020 is a complete shit show so far, and I hope you are all safe and well. I sure have my own struggles – apparently my optometrist have no clue why my glasses which are supposed to be good, aren’t actually good and give me troubles. It greatly affects my everyday life and reading (thank fuck for audiobooks). But I try not to let that get in my way and not to take too much painkillers for my headaches… Life is fun, huh? Anyway, I’m not here to whine about myself, but to tell you all about what we were up to in May!
Monthly Wrap Up: April 2020
Is it just me, or April really went by fast? It definitely seemed shorter than March. Weird. I definitely had more good days this month, so that’s a plus. I also worked on some secret stuff, which was fun. In an “OMG, what the hell am I doing?” way, lol. I also discovered The Unbelievable Truth series on Audible, and since I’m starting my days with audiobooks, I figured listening to something that makes me laugh would actually do some good for me. I’m only 2 days in, but so far it seems to be working. *shrug*
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2020
March definitely wasn’t good for my mental health. I had more downs than ups, and the fact that my wages got dropped for the time being didn’t improve things, that’s for sure. It was also my blog anniversary month and it honestly didn’t go as well as I hoped which by the end of the month left me totally unmotivated toward blogging.
Monthly Wrap Up: February 2020
Is it just me or February really just lasted for a blink? I was so occupied with stuff, that halfway through the month I completely forgot that it was my birthday month and didn’t have as much fun as I would have liked. That’s not saying I didn’t have any fun ar that I didn’t have a great birthday month, because I did. But I was just too focused on the coming blog anniversary and other things I’m working on behind the scenes. Oops.
Monthly Wrap Up: January 2020
January seemed to be endless to some of you, but personally I had more good days than bad (according to my handy mood tracker). I definitely had some ups and downs but I also focused my attention on some new things I’m excited about.
Monthly Wrap Up: December 2019
I tried to take things easier this month, so we didnt’t have as much content, and I was supposed to have a 2 weeks break, but apparently, I can’t stop blogging *shrug*. I hope you all had a nice holiday last week and got all the presents you wanted!
But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors.
Hoo boy, but November was crazy busy as we got to the end of SPFBO 5’s Phase 1 and I tried to catch up to myself after my little time out in October – with some more time out. Oh well. I had some needed down time and I also got offered to work from home, which resulted in a week spent getting both my room and office ready for the switch – meaning I had to clean, sort things, find place for everything and make my desk ready to function as it should, instead of a surface where I could throw clothes and stuff in a heap.
Er, yeah, so, a lot happened both in my personal life and on the blog, and now I’ll show you what we were up to here at RockStarlit BookAsylum.
Monthly Wrap Up: November 2019
October was mostly about catching up, and cram in as many things as possible before I headed to the UK toward the end of the month. I had a great time both in London and Bristol – article coming soon, I promise, unlike the WorldCon one… – and it charged me with energy and good feels. It was awesome to meet old friends and make new ones and I already can’t wait for the next BristolCon.
But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors.
Hoo boy, but November was crazy busy as we got to the end of SPFBO 5’s Phase 1 and I tried to catch up to myself after my little time out in October – with some more time out. Oh well. I had some needed down time and I also got offered to work from home, which resulted in a week spent getting both my room and office ready for the switch – meaning I had to clean, sort things, find place for everything and make my desk ready to function as it should, instead of a surface where I could throw clothes and stuff in a heap.
Er, yeah, so, a lot happened both in my personal life and on the blog, and now I’ll show you what we were up to here at RockStarlit BookAsylum.
Monthly Wrap Up: October 2019
October was mostly about catching up, and cram in as many things as possible before I headed to the UK toward the end of the month. I had a great time both in London and Bristol – article coming soon, I promise, unlike the WorldCon one… – and it charged me with energy and good feels. It was awesome to meet old friends and make new ones and I already can’t wait for the next BristolCon.
But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors.
August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.