With September arriving the temperature dropped from 33 to 18 in a day – which I’m not complaining about, because fuck heat. Probably my brain will now will be able to process reading and stuff – once I finally get some normal rest, that is. As I’ve been lacking with a lot of things in August, September will be all about catching up and trying to squeeze in everything. I don’t have much to look forward to this month, so no distraction.
What’s to come? – August 2019
August is here! I really can’t believe how much of the year went away already. Did some pushed the fast forward button? It can’t be August already! Feels like it was last week I decided to (throw money out of the window) go to the WorldCon and I’ll be heading there in less than two weeks! I’m pretty sure it must be some kind of wizardry.
What’s to come? – July 2019
July is going to be… busy. And that’s an understatement. With freelancing, SPFBO and ARC reviewing I’ll have my hands pretty full. But hey, I got myself into this, so I can’t really complain. I’m going to be very mysterious in this sneak peek, but believe me, you are going to love the things I’ll bring to you this month and the wait (and torture) will be worth it! I just have to make sure my mental state is up to all these things…
What’s to come? – June 2019
June won’t be any less exciting than May was, as things still keep happening. I finally started my new journey in life and I couldn’t be happier. SPFBO5 is about to kick off as well and I’ll be going to concerts too.
What’s to come? – May 2019
Exciting and at the same time terrifying things are happening to me these days and I can’t wait to see where things lead me. May probably will be a slow reading month as a lot of things are going on, so bear with me. On the other hand, I’ll catch up with reviews, so yay!
What’s to come? – April 2019
So, this is a slow week, and I was supposed to write a review, but I just can’t be arsed to do it right now, so decided I’ll bring back the Sneak Peek instead. It’s been a while I had these monthly posts, but life was quite hectic and in the end I usually ended up with totally different reading schedules, lol. Well, I’m not going to pretend that I’ll stick to this list, though I most probably will this time around.
What do we plan for 2019?
January might be almost over, but the year had just started and we have a lot to look forward to. You might have seen countless blog posts about the upcoming releases everyone looks forward to, so I’m not going to bother with that. If you are interested in indie releases though, I can recommend to follow Rob J. Hayes, who has you covered every month!
I’d rather focus on our personal reading/blogging goals, so we know what are we going to fail at miserably 😀
What’s to come? – November Sneak Peek
November started with a nice long weekend, which I made longer by being sick. Yay me! On top of it some nice changes are going on in my life, so I could kick this month off on a good note. Honestly I don’t expect much from this month excitement wise. I’ll read a few books, will post things. We’ll have all of our SPFBO semi-finalists ready too so the real fun can began.
What’s to come? – October Sneak Peek
October. I have a confession to make: this is the month I hate the most. Or more like, this month seems to hate me the most. Anyway, I’m determined to break the curse this year.
What’s to come? – September sneak peek
I like September. The weather cools to a bearable degree, I can get out my leather jacket and boots. Yay! Also, we are getting closer to BristolCon, only 1,5 months away now! SPFBO continues, the semi-finalists are getting announced slowly and things are getting interesting. Also, my blog will be six months old! Can you believe that? So let’s see what I have in store for you this month!