Cover Reveal: Wrath of Storms by Steven McKinnon

I’m really happy to let you know that Steven McKinnon was kind enough to ask me to take part in his cover reveal. My first response was: hell yeah! I’ve been following his career ever since I’ve read Symphony of the Wind as part of SPFBO. It was, in fact Fantasy Book Review’s finalist and we all loved it. 

The sequel, Wrath of Storms will be released on August 8th!


Interview with Peter McLean

Peter McLean is the author of the fantasy gangster thrillers Priest of Bones, released in October 2018 from Jo Fletcher Books and Ace/Roc, and Priest of Lies (July 2019) . His first novels, the Burned Man series, are noir urban fantasy. He has also worked on game tie-in short fiction for various franchises including Warhammer. He lives in Norwich, England, with his wife Diane.


SPFBO Interview with Devin Madson

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.

Author Spotlight

Guest Post: Behind the Walls of Ioth by D.P. Woolliscroft

This is book 2 of the Wildifre Cycle and continues the story from both Kingshold and Tales of Kingshold (two books before book 2, what? I know but you can read here if you want to know more). 95% of Kingshold took place in the titular city and I tried really hard to make it come alive in the story, but also tried to do that in a couple of other ways too. There is the great landscape of the city of Kingshold that was made by Jeff Brown and there was the map of the city. It’s these things that I am here to talk about today. Maps! And the reveal of the full landscape art for Ioth. 


SPFBO Interview with Mike Shel

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.


SPFBO Interview with Craig Schaefer

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.


SPFBO Interview with J. Zachary Pike

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.


SPFBO Interview with Barbara Kloss

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.


SPFBO Interview with Megan Crewe

One of the goals of SPFBO is to give a chance to self-published authors to get more exposure. In the Finals I’m taking part in the competition as one of the judges in Fantasy Book Review’s team. As I did with our group’s authors, I decided to offer a spot to the Finalists too to be featured on my blog.