This year I’m taking part in SPFBO as an advisor for Fantasy Book Review’s judging team. I decided to offer a spot to the authors in our group. The spotlight today shines on Justin Lee Anderson.
SPFBO Author Spotlight: Lessons from Writing 1,000,000 Words in 2018 by A.Z. Anthony
This year I’m taking part in SPFBO as an advisor for Fantasy Book Review’s judging team. I decided to offer a spot to the authors in our group. The spotlight today shines on A.Z. Anthony.
SPFBO Interview with Josh Erikson
This year I’m taking part in SPFBO as an advisor for Fantasy Book Review’s judging team. I decided to offer a spot to the authors in our group. The spotlight today shines on Josh Erikson our first semi-finalist.
Author Interview with C.T. Phipps
C.T. Phipps is the author of the Supervillainy Saga, the Bright Falls Mysteries, the Cthulhu Armageddon series, the Agent G series and the Lucifer’ Star series as well as Wraith Knight and a few other books. Besides of being a writer, he also loves all geeky stuff 🙂 Also, he is one of the nicest people I got to know during my short blogging career.
Author Spotlight: So You Want To Be An Author? by Keith McArdle – Guest Post + Excerpt
So you want to be an author? Awesome! Keith McArdle, author of SPFBO4 entrant Fallen Empire, the first book of the Ironstone Saga – find an excerpt at the bottom of this article – and a few other books besides has some advice for you!
Author Spotlight: My Four Favorite Fantasy Anti-Stereotypes by Andy Peloquin – Guest Post
All of us got pet peeves, aren’t we? My newest guest, Andy Peloquin decided to write up an article about anti-stereotypes he enjoys reading about. Let’s face it, we all like to turn our back on stereotypes and find something new and fresh wich twists these tropes we know too well.
Author Interview with David Hambling
David Hambling is a journalist, traveller, and author of several Lovecraftian horror novels. the Harry Stubbs series amongst these. He took some time off his busy schedule to answer some of my questions!
Author Spotlight: A Matter of Blood by Martin Owton – Short Story
Another week, another great author gets the spotlight. This time Martin Owton treats you fine people to one of his short stories which introduces to us his The Nandor Tales series’ main character, Aron.
Author Spotlight: The Finder of the Lucky Devil by Megan Mackie – Excerpt
Megan is lovely and friendly, so I’m happy to host her on my blog today. Read about her below and take a look at the excerpt from her first novel, The Finder of the Lucky Devil in her urban fantasy series, titled Lucky Devil. Those who follow SPFBO might have seen her around since she is participating in the contest this year 🙂
Author Interview with Damien Black
Damien Black, author of the Broken Stone Chronicle series, SPFBO finalist who ended up snatching the third place thanks to the tie on the second place. Ex-journalist, ex-musician (although you can never stop being a musician deep, deep down). I’ve pretty much publicised already in my Devil’s Night Dawning review how I got to meet him and how he played a big part of my being here today, so I won’t repeat myself. Let’s just say he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and he made me into a sorceress, lol 🙂 He is currently being busy writing book 3 of his epic fantasy series, but took the time to answer some questions!