Review Policy / Contact

Review Policy/Contact

Dear Author, Publisher, Reader

Thank you for visiting Queen’s Book Asylum and for your interest in our review policy, and contacting us. Before you do so, please note our current status for accepting review requests and read our guidelines below.

To see our preferences, please click on our names!





Review Request Guidelines
When sending us a review request, please include the following information:
  • Book title
  • Genre specification
  • Page count
  • Blurb
  • Amazon link (if available)
  • Website/social media links (if we never interacted before)
  • Trigger warnings*
  • Who (if any) of us you’d specifically like to review your book (if more of us are open or you don’t have a personal relationship with any of us)

We take every request on a case-by-case basis, meaning that a review request won’t automatically mean that we’ll accept it. If we have an existing relationship/read your book before, then you may reach out to us about upcoming releases regardless of what our indicator shows about our availability. We are also open to discussion regarding promo posts such as interviews, guest posts, cover reveals, or other spotlights. If and when we accept your review request, we’ll take either .epub or physical copies. We do not accept .pdf or .doc files.

*A list of trigger warnings you might use, but you can also add your own. Please note, that including any of these doesn’t automatically mean a rejection, we just would like to be forewarned:

Addiction, Pedophilia, Abuse, Substance abuse, Animal cruelty, Queerphobia, Body horror (if it’s not a book in the horror or grimdark genre), Bullying, Fatphobia, Terminal illness, Chronic illness, Mental Illness, Degenerative Illness, Cannibalism, Deadnaming, Eating disorder, Genocide, Gore, Violence (graphic, gun, etc), Incest, Miscarriage, Mass shootings, Police brutality, Racial bigotry/Racism, Religious bigotry, Self-harm, Suicide, Suicidal thoughts, Rape, Human trafficking, Torture

Our Rating System
We’ll use a 5-crown judgment system as follows (we’ll give .5-s too, because we can):
  • 1 crown – Their name shall be erased
  • 1.5 crowns – Let them be buried
  • 2 crowns – Off with their head
  • 2.5 crowns – Into a cell with them
  • 3 crowns – They shall live
  • 3.5 crowns – Might require their services
  • 4 crowns – Let their deeds be noted
  • 4.5 crowns – They shall be remembered
  • 5 crowns – Praise their name 

If you would like to get in contact with us or just want to leave a message because you are a nice person, you can send us an email directly by clicking on the envelope button below:

To learn more about us, please visit our About Us page, where you’ll find our social media links and introductions!

Please note, that we only use your provided data to keep in contact with you. We won’t give it to third parties, nor will use it for personal reasons.

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