Challenge Check-In April

Challenge Check-In – April 2023

My Challenge Check-In for April 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Teenage Dirtbag and You Look Better When I’m Drunk.

15+ Underrated Self-Published Fantasy Books

15+ Underrated Self-Published Fantasy Books

September is around the corner which means that Self-Published Fantasy Month, organized by our friends (Jason Aycock, Justine Bergman, Beth Tabler and Calvin Park) is about to kick off. To help you get ready, we offer you 15+ underrated self-published fantasy books we think you shouldn’t miss!

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10 Books Featuring Kids in Adult Fiction

As I’m reading Priest of Lies by Peter McLean currently, and one of my favorite characters happen to be Billy the Boy, a 14 year old lad, I started to think about books where children were not only side characters but had an important role. As I’m mostly reading adult fiction I went and looked at those books to pick 10 – which, let me tell you is a challenge.

Advent Book Calendar

Advent Book Calendar – Day 1

This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!