August is here! I really can’t believe how much of the year went away already. Did some pushed the fast forward button? It can’t be August already! Feels like it was last week I decided to (throw money out of the window) go to the WorldCon and I’ll be heading there in less than two weeks! I’m pretty sure it must be some kind of wizardry.
What’s to come? – July 2019
July is going to be… busy. And that’s an understatement. With freelancing, SPFBO and ARC reviewing I’ll have my hands pretty full. But hey, I got myself into this, so I can’t really complain. I’m going to be very mysterious in this sneak peek, but believe me, you are going to love the things I’ll bring to you this month and the wait (and torture) will be worth it! I just have to make sure my mental state is up to all these things…