In the renewed Music Diggin’ Friday I’m going to write about all kinds of music related stuff. Lists, new releases, concerts, and whatever shit that comes to mind.
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2019
Well, March had been a busy month both for blogging and the fantasy community. The first anniversary of RockStarlit BookAsylum came and went, presenting me with the all time highest stats for March. I’d like to thank everyone who take part in the celebration even if just with checking my posts out, or sharing and liking. I couldn’t have done it without you!
The Questioning: Benedict Patrick
The Questioning is where everything gets upside down. As part of my blogiversary celebration, I invited 10 authors and 10 bloggers/reviewers who showed great support during my first year as a blogger. Then I pushed them waaaaay out of the comfort zones. Authors had become interrogators and Bloggers got interrogated. Rest assured, no one got hurt (much) and everyone had fun (eventually). You can find every related post on The Questioning page!
And They Were Never Heard From Again by Benedict Patrick
And They Were Never Heard From Again is the perfect entry into the Yarnsworld created by the brilliant Benedict Patrick. If this little dark gem can’t convince you to read any of his other books, then I don’t know what will. It has everything that makes Patrick’s works so charmingly unique and irresistible. And him one of my favorite authors to date.
Advent Book Calendar – Day 24
This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!
Monthly Wrap Up: September 2018
September came and went, and we are one month closer to the end of the year. September started off on a really bad note for me, but thankfully things got considerably better in a few days and overall the month was a blast. Aside from personal stuff, I’ve read quite a few books, hosted a giveaway in celebration of my 6 monthsversary as a blogger and tried to avoid thinking about October. Yay!
From the Shadows of the Owl Queen’s Court by Benedict Patrick
From The Shadows Of The Owl Queen’s Court is a very dark tale about chasing your dreams, about nature having its own way in the end. Do you love the original Grimm tales? How about some action and monsters? Read Benedict Patrick’s other books or just looking for something original? Then you found the perfect book, my friend!
Attention! Asylum Library Clearance!
My blog will be 6 months old in September and I wanted to thank you for being awesome. I teamed up with Benedict Patrick Ulff Lehmann and C.T. Phipps to host a #bookgiveaway! For more info read the post!
Lost Lore: A Fantasy Anthology
You are looking for something new to sink your teeth into? Don’t look anymore! Lost Lore has it all: mythology, epic fantasy, grimdark, twisted fairy tales, cool assassins, unusual worlds, humor and a lot to think on! Sure, some of them has flaws, and won’t be your taste, but on the other hand, you’ll find some treasure which will make it worth. Besides, it’s free and all of these indie authors are talented as hell. Give them a chance and you might find your next favorite author/series!
Monthly Wrap Up: July 2018
July proved to be another busy month and I had a lot of #reviews and #interviews from Dyrk Ashton, David Hambling, Damien Black, Benedict Patrick, D.M. Murray and music for you. Find everything you missed in my #MonthlyWrapUp post!