BristolCon 2023

BristolCon 2023

In this write-up of BristolCon 2023, which took place on October 21, 2023 I share lots of pictures, self-reflection, and a traveling journal – kind of.

What do we plan for 2022

What Do We Plan For 2022?

It’s that time of the year again – although we are a tiny bit late – when we sit down and set goals for the year ahead of us. These past two years showed us that life is about as unpredictable as they come, and planning ahead requires some flexibility. We can only hope this year will be kinder to us all and we can achieve what we aim for. Only time will tell whether we make it or not, but we can definitely try! And so, we are here to tell you what we plan for 2022 blogging, reading, and life-wise. Come and get excited with us and tell us what you are looking for the most this year!

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2 Years in the Asylum

The good thing about anniversaries is that they roll around every year. And thus, here we are, celebrating the 2nd birthday of my baby blog. Or is it toddler now? The second year wasn’t less eventful than the first one, even though 2019 was one of my worst years personally.
As last year, I’d like to take a look back at this past year and highlight some milestones and memories including a lot of pictures.

Sneak Peek

What do we plan for 2020?

Oh hey, we are putting this post out in a more timely fashion than last year! Do we deserve an applaud, or what?

Last year we more or less failed at our plans, but we also had a lot of things come up we absolutely didn’t anticipate. Such as getting to be a judging blog for SPFBO, me starting a part-time freelance business, going to Dublin for WorldCon among other things. But our enthusiasm is still strong, and we are here again to set up some reachable goals so we could watch how much we actually achive (or not) in this year ahead.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: November 2019

October was mostly about catching up, and cram in as many things as possible before I headed to the UK toward the end of the month. I had a great time both in London and Bristol – article coming soon, I promise, unlike the WorldCon one… – and it charged me with energy and good feels. It was awesome to meet old friends and make new ones and I already can’t wait for the next BristolCon.

But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors. 
Hoo boy, but November was crazy busy as we got to the end of SPFBO 5’s Phase 1 and I tried to catch up to myself after my little time out in October – with some more time out. Oh well. I had some needed down time and I also got offered to work from home, which resulted in a week spent getting both my room and office ready for the switch – meaning I had to clean, sort things, find place for everything and make my desk ready to function as it should, instead of a surface where I could throw clothes and stuff in a heap.

Er, yeah, so, a lot happened both in my personal life and on the blog, and now I’ll show you what we were up to here at RockStarlit BookAsylum.

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Adventures in the UK – London and BristolCon 2019

In October once again I headed to the UK to attend BristolCon, because I had a good time there last year and after the crazyness of WorldCon I needed something smaller and cozier of a social event. Plus I knew there would be friends waiting for me, old and new. But I still wanted to make the most of my vacation, so I decided to seize to opportunity and stay in London for a few days. It didn’t go quite as I expected, but I still had a great time.

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – November 2019

November is going to be a quiet (I mean boring) work month. I’ve nothing exciting planned, but I definitely will try to pay more attention to my own needs – meaning I’ve been so focused recently on working, reading, deadlines, pressure that I hardly left room for myself to relax. To just loose myself for a few hours in a game or do some colouring. So, that’s my personal goal for the month, but no worries, I won’t let you guys without some great content this month too!

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: October 2019

October was mostly about catching up, and cram in as many things as possible before I headed to the UK toward the end of the month. I had a great time both in London and Bristol – article coming soon, I promise, unlike the WorldCon one… – and it charged me with energy and good feels. It was awesome to meet old friends and make new ones and I already can’t wait for the next BristolCon.

But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors. 
August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – October 2019

I actually have things to look forward to! My UK trip for example. And we also will have a lot of SPFBO updates, so it’ll be worth keeping an eye on the blog!