Pilgrim’s Storm Brooding lives up to its precedessors and then takes things up on another level. We have all of our old friends back, but of course there are some new characters you might find interesting. I’m seriously awed what a vast world Black built within these pages which are rich with history, myths, and life. A truly epic fantasy story.
Author Interview with Damien Black
Damien Black, author of the Broken Stone Chronicle series, SPFBO finalist who ended up snatching the third place thanks to the tie on the second place. Ex-journalist, ex-musician (although you can never stop being a musician deep, deep down). I’ve pretty much publicised already in my Devil’s Night Dawning review how I got to meet him and how he played a big part of my being here today, so I won’t repeat myself. Let’s just say he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and he made me into a sorceress, lol 🙂 He is currently being busy writing book 3 of his epic fantasy series, but took the time to answer some questions!
Devil’s Night Dawning by Damien Black
My second review of the three dedicated ones. My first plunge in the unknown, the first book I volunteered to read in exchange of a review. Never thought it would turn out as a huge impact on my life 🙂