We thought it would be fun to do a little something in recognition of Pride Month here at Rockstarlit BookAsylum. So, I went through and picked books that I had enjoyed that had some LGBTQ content, and matched the pride flag to the dominate color of the covers, with varying degrees of luck.
Monthly Wrap Up: December 2018
I’m actually happy November is behind us. It was an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish. Fortunately both starting and ending on a good note – if I want to go with my roller coaster analogy, the cart arrived to the same spot from where it had taken off – so now I can fully concentrate on December and look forward to the coming Christmas. For the first time in many years I’m really excited about the holidays. But more about that in the Sneak Peek post in a few days. Let’s see what happened on my blog in November:
Straight Outta Fangton by C. T. Phipps
From start to finish this book was full of action, some gore (it is a vampire book after all) witty dialogue, every bit of vampire lore and pop culture you can think of and some really fun characters.
Monthly Wrap Up: October 2018
Wait. What happens with time? Someone speed it up! It can’t be November already! Where is my October??? Give me a moment while I panic, will you?
Okay, I’m better now. I’m a bit behind on posts because I had become sick after returning from the UK, so a review and my post about said UK trip will be up later this week, thus they will count as November posts. So, let’s see what I had in store for you in October:
An American Weredeer in Michigan by C.T. Phipps and Michael Suttkus
Phipps obviously has fun writing this series and these characters, and if I put aside my misjudges, it’s quite entertaining. But I can’t decide if I should take this book seriously (does it takes itself seriously?) or should I just look at it as some popcorn fun. Even so, An American Weredeer in Michigan improved compared to I Was a Teenage Weredeer. I could lean back, read, and just enjoy myself while giggling at some of Jane’s or the Merlin Gun’s comments.
Monthly Wrap Up: August 2018
With August gone, summer is practically over. September kicked the doors in with a lot of rain over here anyway. August was all kinds of awesome as blogging goes. My stats hit a new high with over 1.100 views. I’ve got to knew a lot of new people and overall I keep going strong. Hopefully it stays that way. August also brought a brand new design, a new logo and feature images. I also launched a facebook group besides my page where I hope I can interact with you guys more!
Attention! Asylum Library Clearance!
My blog will be 6 months old in September and I wanted to thank you for being awesome. I teamed up with Benedict Patrick Ulff Lehmann and C.T. Phipps to host a #bookgiveaway! For more info read the post!
Author Interview with C.T. Phipps
C.T. Phipps is the author of the Supervillainy Saga, the Bright Falls Mysteries, the Cthulhu Armageddon series, the Agent G series and the Lucifer’ Star series as well as Wraith Knight and a few other books. Besides of being a writer, he also loves all geeky stuff 🙂 Also, he is one of the nicest people I got to know during my short blogging career.
Monthly Wrap Up: June 2018
Well, June is over now, and it was another eventful month – both emotionally and otherwise. I attended concerts, read books, got awesome news. Find the details in my #MonthlyWrapUp post 🙂
I Was A Teenage Weredeer by C. T. Phipps and Michael Suttkus
I Was A Teenage Weredeer is a rather light, fun read with pop cultural references from Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Buffy and many others fan probably will deerly love and enjoy. Those who like YA will find this an enjoyable read with a snarky heroine, several supernatural species and a mystery that holds a few twists.