Challenge Check-In February

Challenge Check-In – February 2023

My Challenge Check-In for February 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Bulletproof Skin and I’m Still Here in February.

Listen & Read - Anthem of the Angels

Listen & Read – Anthem of the Angels

Throughout the year, I’ll dig deeper into the prompts of The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2022. I’ll talk about the music, the prompt and recommend about 5 books I think would go well with it. The prompt of the week: Anthem of the Angels.

Book Tag: 90s Music Edition

Book Tag: 90s Music Edition

As they say, there is always a first time for everything. After nearly 4 years of blogging, it’s time for my first ever book tag post! As we all know I’m a music junkie and I’m also a 90s kid, so I just knew if I only ever did one book tag post, it has to be the 90s Music Edition one. With music videos for extra fun!

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: May 2019

May was an interesting whirlwind of a month. We had my cousin’s wedding, I made some life changing desicions, my blog got picked to be one of the judges for SPFBO5 and I  got my hands on a lot of awesome ARCs and books. And I finally got caught up with everything! 

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10 Books Featuring Kids in Adult Fiction

As I’m reading Priest of Lies by Peter McLean currently, and one of my favorite characters happen to be Billy the Boy, a 14 year old lad, I started to think about books where children were not only side characters but had an important role. As I’m mostly reading adult fiction I went and looked at those books to pick 10 – which, let me tell you is a challenge.

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – May 2019

Exciting and at the same time terrifying things are happening to me these days and I can’t wait to see where things lead me. May probably will be a slow reading month as a lot of things are going on, so bear with me. On the other hand, I’ll catch up with reviews, so yay!