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10 Books Featuring Kids in Adult Fiction

As I’m reading Priest of Lies by Peter McLean currently, and one of my favorite characters happen to be Billy the Boy, a 14 year old lad, I started to think about books where children were not only side characters but had an important role. As I’m mostly reading adult fiction I went and looked at those books to pick 10 – which, let me tell you is a challenge.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: October 2018

Wait. What happens with time? Someone speed it up! It can’t be November already! Where is my October??? Give me a moment while I panic, will you?


Okay, I’m better now. I’m a bit behind on posts because I had become sick after returning from the UK, so a review and my post about said UK trip will be up later this week, thus they will count as November posts. So, let’s see what I had in store for you in October:

The Great Hearts by David Oliver

The Great Hearts by David Oliver

The Great Hearts is an interesting debut dark fantasy book, which needs a bit of polishing, but otherwise has some nice qualities: it’s a coming of age story with intriguing characters, gritty scenes and a great potential. It’s far for being perfect, but I’m interested what will come out of this series.