Challenge Check-In March

Challenge Check-In – March 2023

My Challenge Check-In for March 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Everywhere is Good and Demons in March.

Challenge Check-In February

Challenge Check-In – February 2023

My Challenge Check-In for February 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Bulletproof Skin and I’m Still Here in February.

What do we plan for 2022

What Do We Plan For 2022?

It’s that time of the year again – although we are a tiny bit late – when we sit down and set goals for the year ahead of us. These past two years showed us that life is about as unpredictable as they come, and planning ahead requires some flexibility. We can only hope this year will be kinder to us all and we can achieve what we aim for. Only time will tell whether we make it or not, but we can definitely try! And so, we are here to tell you what we plan for 2022 blogging, reading, and life-wise. Come and get excited with us and tell us what you are looking for the most this year!

Timy's Top 10 Reads of 2021

Timy’s Top 10 Reads of 2021

Like last year, we once again decided to post 3 separate top 10 reads of 2021 lists instead of one mega-list or one with only a couple of picks each. Which, let’s face it, would be downright cruelty to ourselves. Our only rule was that any book on these lists has to be read during 2021, regardless of when they were published and by whom. And we had to love them, obviously. Maybe. I mean, when you keep shouting at the author in private for things they did, it’s surely a sign of love, right? Even if you call said author names… *ahem* Anyway. First to go is Timy with her Top 10 Reads of 2021!