The good thing about anniversaries is that they roll around every year. And thus, here we are, celebrating the 2nd birthday of my baby blog. Or is it toddler now? The second year wasn’t less eventful than the first one, even though 2019 was one of my worst years personally.
As last year, I’d like to take a look back at this past year and highlight some milestones and memories including a lot of pictures.
What’s to come? – February 2020
You know what month this is? February. And do you know what that means? My birthday is around the corner! I love this month – duh – despite the shit winter weather I hate. But lets see what else I have in store, shall we?
What do we plan for 2020?
Oh hey, we are putting this post out in a more timely fashion than last year! Do we deserve an applaud, or what?
Last year we more or less failed at our plans, but we also had a lot of things come up we absolutely didn’t anticipate. Such as getting to be a judging blog for SPFBO, me starting a part-time freelance business, going to Dublin for WorldCon among other things. But our enthusiasm is still strong, and we are here again to set up some reachable goals so we could watch how much we actually achive (or not) in this year ahead.
What’s to come? – January 2020
Can you believe it’s already the end of 2019?! It definitely was a roller coaster of a year for me. It was also crazy busy, so I decided to take things easier in the second half of the month. Holidays are coming and I need a bit of a break, so posts won’t be as frequent as usually. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you alone for too long 😉
What’s to come? – December 2019
Can you believe it’s already the end of 2019?! It definitely was a roller coaster of a year for me. It was also crazy busy, so I decided to take things easier in the second half of the month. Holidays are coming and I need a bit of a break, so posts won’t be as frequent as usually. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you alone for too long 😉
Monthly Wrap Up: June 2019
June was a pretty great month all things considered. I was supposed to take this month easier and have a break, but ended up not doing that. Until I was forced to realised that I indeed needed a break and the last few days of the month was all about relaxing and doing anything other than reading. It was nice. It was my first month being only half employed at my workplace and OMG I LOVE working only 4 hours. The first two weeks made wonders to my mental health and I’m so happy I made this decision.