Monthly Wrap Up May

Monthly Wrap Up: May 2021

n May, as you probably noticed, we took things a bit easy as we all had our personal lives intruding and quite frankly, we all deserve a break every once in a while. Also, burnout is a real fucking thing. Just saying. But we still didn’t leave you all alone, we toured books, we reviewed some, revealed covers and some of us are preparing for the next round of SPFBO. But I’ll talk more about that in later posts. For now, let’s see what we had on offer in May!

Monthly Wrap Up June

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2020

Hoo boy, June was A MONTH. And we are only halfway through 2020. It started with me working my ass off to get the blog ready for the moving. That is, we moved RockStarlit BookAsylum from to a self-hosted Wordpress site and if I can say so, it looks fucking great. Which is only fair, as I worked more on this than I care to admit. On the day before the final move I basically sat before my screen for 12 hours straight to make sure everything is as it should be. And that was only the last day. But thankfully everything went well and to celebrate we announced our newest staff member, Arina! I’m excited she joined us and I hope the blog will be only better for it 🙂

Sneak Peek June

What’s to come? – June 2020

It’s hard to believe it’s already June, but on the other hand, it’s hard to believe it’s only June. 2020 sure is a year. If I had to describe my plans for this month: same old, same old. Work, blog, organise, read, repeat. To have some fun, I’ll try to put a bit more effort into my Instagram account. I have a couple of ideas how to show off my current reads and yes, all of them are going to involve at least one of my plush pandas. That’s my brand, deal with it. 😛
As usual, I have all kinds of things planned for this month as well, though not all of them fantasy related. But I’ll try my best. Who knows? I might even do some fun posts using their Wyrd & Wonder challenge prompts! Alright, let’s see what I have in mind.

Monthly Wrap Up May

Monthly Wrap Up: May 2020

I know 2020 is a complete shit show so far, and I hope you are all safe and well. I sure have my own struggles – apparently my optometrist have no clue why my glasses which are supposed to be good, aren’t actually good and give me troubles. It greatly affects my everyday life and reading (thank fuck for audiobooks). But I try not to let that get in my way and not to take too much painkillers for my headaches… Life is fun, huh? Anyway, I’m not here to whine about myself, but to tell you all about what we were up to in May!

Sneak Peek May

What’s to come? – May 2020

May is here! And you know what does that mean? It’s Wyrd & Wonder month! We celebrate fantasy throughout May. It’s not too late to join in all the fun. You can find the introduction here. Be sure to check it out becuase these ladies planned a LOT of awesome stuff.

As usual, I have all kinds of things planned for this month as well, though not all of them fantasy related. But I’ll try my best. Who knows? I might even do some fun posts using their Wyrd & Wonder challenge prompts! Alright, let’s see what I have in mind.