As they say, there is always a first time for everything. After nearly 4 years of blogging, it’s time for my first ever book tag post! As we all know I’m a music junkie and I’m also a 90s kid, so I just knew if I only ever did one book tag post, it has to be the 90s Music Edition one. With music videos for extra fun!
What’s to come? – March 2021
March is apparently the month of new beginnings. We are going to celebrate two anniversaries this month: Storytellers On Tour will turn 1 year old, and the blog will turn 3 years old. Man, time flies. There will be some celebratory stuff coming your way this month for sure!
But we’ll have a lot of other content as well: reviews, features, SPFBO stuff, author spotlights, book tour encores.
What’s to come? – May 2020
May is here! And you know what does that mean? It’s Wyrd & Wonder month! We celebrate fantasy throughout May. It’s not too late to join in all the fun. You can find the introduction here. Be sure to check it out becuase these ladies planned a LOT of awesome stuff.
As usual, I have all kinds of things planned for this month as well, though not all of them fantasy related. But I’ll try my best. Who knows? I might even do some fun posts using their Wyrd & Wonder challenge prompts! Alright, let’s see what I have in mind.
What’s to come? – April 2020
I think we’ll lean heavily on the reviewing side of things in April. That being said, I’m more sober regarding April, mostly because all of my plans got chucked into the bin.
What’s to come? – September 2019
With September arriving the temperature dropped from 33 to 18 in a day – which I’m not complaining about, because fuck heat. Probably my brain will now will be able to process reading and stuff – once I finally get some normal rest, that is. As I’ve been lacking with a lot of things in August, September will be all about catching up and trying to squeeze in everything. I don’t have much to look forward to this month, so no distraction.
What’s to come? – August 2019
August is here! I really can’t believe how much of the year went away already. Did some pushed the fast forward button? It can’t be August already! Feels like it was last week I decided to (throw money out of the window) go to the WorldCon and I’ll be heading there in less than two weeks! I’m pretty sure it must be some kind of wizardry.
What’s to come? – July 2019
July is going to be… busy. And that’s an understatement. With freelancing, SPFBO and ARC reviewing I’ll have my hands pretty full. But hey, I got myself into this, so I can’t really complain. I’m going to be very mysterious in this sneak peek, but believe me, you are going to love the things I’ll bring to you this month and the wait (and torture) will be worth it! I just have to make sure my mental state is up to all these things…
What’s to come? – June 2019
June won’t be any less exciting than May was, as things still keep happening. I finally started my new journey in life and I couldn’t be happier. SPFBO5 is about to kick off as well and I’ll be going to concerts too.
10 Books Featuring Kids in Adult Fiction
As I’m reading Priest of Lies by Peter McLean currently, and one of my favorite characters happen to be Billy the Boy, a 14 year old lad, I started to think about books where children were not only side characters but had an important role. As I’m mostly reading adult fiction I went and looked at those books to pick 10 – which, let me tell you is a challenge.
What’s to come? – May 2019
Exciting and at the same time terrifying things are happening to me these days and I can’t wait to see where things lead me. May probably will be a slow reading month as a lot of things are going on, so bear with me. On the other hand, I’ll catch up with reviews, so yay!