The final book in the Wardens of Issalia series, jumps right back into the action following An Imperial Gambit, where unfortunately, not everyone will make it to the end. But don’t worry, the author isn’t cruel enough to take our favorites out of the running (depending on who your favorites were that is).
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2019
Well, March had been a busy month both for blogging and the fantasy community. The first anniversary of RockStarlit BookAsylum came and went, presenting me with the all time highest stats for March. I’d like to thank everyone who take part in the celebration even if just with checking my posts out, or sharing and liking. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Cover Reveal: A Kingdom Under Siege + Wardens of Issalia Box Set by Jeffrey L. Kohanek
Jeffrey L. Kohanek not only reveals the cover of the fourth book in the Wardens of Issalia series, but also presents to you a box set which contains all four books, and a free book to boot! Covers and details in this post!
Monthly Wrap Up: December 2018
I’m actually happy November is behind us. It was an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish. Fortunately both starting and ending on a good note – if I want to go with my roller coaster analogy, the cart arrived to the same spot from where it had taken off – so now I can fully concentrate on December and look forward to the coming Christmas. For the first time in many years I’m really excited about the holidays. But more about that in the Sneak Peek post in a few days. Let’s see what happened on my blog in November:
An Imperial Gambit by Jeffrey L. Kohanek
Each book has opened this world up a little more, as we learn more of the world and the people, it gets harder to tell whose side is right and whose is wrong. The series itself is just a whole lot of fun and has been a nice little breather between dark and grim. I think this is the strongest one so far.