Challenge Check-In February

Challenge Check-In – February 2023

My Challenge Check-In for February 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Bulletproof Skin and I’m Still Here in February.

Challenge Check-In January

Challenge Check-In – January 2023

My Challenge Check-In for January 2023 in which I talk about how I did with my reading challenges this month, and offer you 5-5 recs for 2 The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge prompts. Which are Are You Gonna Be My Girl and Justice in January.

3 Years in SPFBO

3 Years in SPFBO

SPFBO 7 started off on June 1st and as many of you know, the Asylum is not a judging blog anymore. But not all of us stepped back from the competition. In this post I’d like to talk about why I made the decision of stepping back, how SPFBO affected my (blogging) life, and highlight all the gems I got to find thanks to the competition. It will be a long post, so buckle up. I’ll try to keep the rambling to a minimum, but no promises…

Monthly Wrap Up March

Monthly Wrap Up: March 2020

March definitely wasn’t good for my mental health. I had more downs than ups, and the fact that my wages got dropped for the time being didn’t improve things, that’s for sure. It was also my blog anniversary month and it honestly didn’t go as well as I hoped which by the end of the month left me totally unmotivated toward blogging.

Blight Marked by Josh Erikson

Blight Marked by Josh Erikson

Blight Marked sets the bar one step higher yet and though the story concludes nicely, it also sets up the next installment to be something we can look forward to. Blight Marked is a fast, witty and emotional roller-coaster ride and I can’t wait to see what the next stop will bring. 

Sneak Peek March

What’s to come? – March 2020

It’s March! Spring is in the air and I have a LOT of things coming up this month I think you will love. At least I hope so, because I put a lot of work into all of them and I’d hate if they were all for nothing. I will not tell you all of my secrets just yet, but I definitely will give you a sneak peek!