Queen’s Book Asylum’s main SPFBO 9 page, where you’ll find a short heads up about the contest, info about our process, the 30 books assigned to us, and how we divided them – including GR and Amazon links -, our progress in the semi-finals and finals, and updates throughout the competition.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: October 2019

October was mostly about catching up, and cram in as many things as possible before I headed to the UK toward the end of the month. I had a great time both in London and Bristol – article coming soon, I promise, unlike the WorldCon one… – and it charged me with energy and good feels. It was awesome to meet old friends and make new ones and I already can’t wait for the next BristolCon.

But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors. 
August went away in a blink of an eye and I’m both sad and happy about it. I had some great times, but I also got damned behind on EVERYTHING. September will be about trying to catch up to myself.

King of Ash and Bone by Melissa Wright

SPFBO: King of Ash and Bone by Melissa Wright

We’ve read and reviewed this book for SPFBO5. Please keep in mind these are personal thoughts only. We will update this post as the judges read along and add their opinions. This book has already been eliminated from the competition, but one of us liked it enough to write a full review.


SPFBO: The Second Reaping

We passed the halftime mark of Phase 1 in September, and things are going to get interesting from here on. We are (slowly *cough*) weaving through the books in our group and we hope to get a clearer idea which one our finalist will be by the start of November. But that’s a bit further away, so let’s focus on the here and now.

Today Team RockStarlit BookAsylum is going to say goodbye to 5 books, some we enjoyed reading, some not so much. This means we’ll be eliminating 11 books so far, so almost half of our entrants will be out of the game. 


SPFBO: The Second Round of DNFs by Jen and Timy

For a change, Jen and me doing a post together, as some of the books below are already cut, and as I’m being slow with reading and don’t have enough material for a post on my own, I decided to chime in.