Jen reviews The Hunted, the second book in The Cursed Sword Fantasy series by Mike Morris.
Monthly Wrap Up: August 2020
August went away pretty quickly. I had a 2 weeks long vacation, 1 of which I spent in the countryside which was a nice break. I also read 3 books that week which is not something that happens to me a lot these days. But since we came home my sleeping went to shit and I’m still trying to catch up to myself and not feel like a train went through me… Anyway, vacation did not mean I was being lazy.
Cry Havoc by Mike Morris
Cry Havoc is like the best kind of popcorn reading! Edge of your seat action, explosions, powder guns, some good, bloody death scenes, and you can’t help but love Jack and Lin.
What’s to come? – August 2020
I have quite a few stuff coming this month – we’ll continue The Enchanted Forest, we’ll Party with the Stars, read books, tour with books, get ready for Self-Published Fantasy Month in September, reveal covers, give SPFBO updates and I’ll even have a two weeks vacation – one of which will be a real vacation with a trip and everything.
Monthly Wrap Up: March 2019
Well, March had been a busy month both for blogging and the fantasy community. The first anniversary of RockStarlit BookAsylum came and went, presenting me with the all time highest stats for March. I’d like to thank everyone who take part in the celebration even if just with checking my posts out, or sharing and liking. I couldn’t have done it without you!
He Who Fights by Mike Morris
I did enjoy the journey and I quite liked a lot of the ideas in this story. And the fights. I really enjoyed the fights, and after my recent binge of fight movies, I felt I knew some of the moves they were pulling off, which is always cool. I will be curious to see where things go in later books, if there are any.
Advent Book Calendar – Day 14
This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!