Timy reviews A MATTER OF EXECUTION, a prequel novella in the Tales of the Iron Rose steampunk fantasy series by Nicholas & Olivia Atwater.
When I Look At The Sky, All I See Are Stars by Steve Stred
Liis reviews WHEN I LOOK AT THE SKY, ALL I SEE ARE STARS, a horror novella by Steve Stred.
Bound Feet by Kelsea Yu
Paul reviews Bound Feet by Kelsea Yu, a horror novella published by Cemetery Gates Media, book three in their standalone, My Dark Library series.
The First of Shadows by Deck Matthews
Jen reviews The First of Shadows, the first book in Deck Matthews’s fantasy series, The Riven Realm.
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
Paul reviews The Order of Pure Moon Reflected in Water, a standalone fantasy novella by Zen Cho.
Nisila by Damien Shillingford
Jen reviews Nisila, a novella set in Damien Shillingford’s the King series.
Master of Rods and Strings by Jason Marc Harris
Paul reviews Master of Rods and Strings, a novella by debut author Jason Marc Harris.
Mara’s Awakening by Leo Flynn
Jen picked this request for Mara’s Awakening, the first novella in a Sci-Fi series, The Mara Files up for a nice breather from fantasy.
Tower of Mud and Straw by Yaroslav Barsukov
Arina reviews Yaroslav Barsukov’s Tower of Mud and Straw, a Gaslamp Science Fantasy novella.
“Tower of Mud and Straw makes perfect use of the novella format, an awesome gaslamp science fantasy with a mystery punch. I can see myself coming back to this world again and again.”
Oshibana Complex by Craig Hallam
Craig Hallam’s Oshibana Complex is everything I love about cyberpunk: a sharp dissection of the present by peeking into the future. This curious novella puts a captivating story into just a few pages.