Phil Williams, a longtime resident of the Asylum today stopped by as we are celebrating 5 years of Ordshaw! A series that interconnects his several novels. Under Ordshaw, the introduction to this universe was released 5 years ago and Phil decided to talk about his journey and to give us a heads-up of what’s to come.
Guest Post: The Magic Of Music by Phil Williams
Phil Williams a few months ago talked about the playlist going with his latest novel, Dyer Street Punk Witches. Today he is back again with another guest post, this time talking about The Magic of Music and how music relates to his Ordshaw universe.
Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil Williams
Jen and Timy reviews Dyer Street Punk Witches, the latest standalone Urban Fantasy novel from the Ordshaw series by Phil Williams. We also have an extra treat for those who stick around until the end of the review!
Guest Post: The Dyer Street Punk Witches Playlist
Phil Williams recently released his latest standalone novel in his Ordshaw series, Dyer Street Punk Witches, and we celebrated with Jen’s review. Today we are happy to host Phil to share his guest post regarding a playlist he created for this book.
Cover Reveal: Dyer Street Punk Witches by Phil Williams
Along with a couple of lucky bloggers I’m happy to take part in the cover reveal of Phil Williams’ upcoming stand-alone Fantasy novel, Dyer Street Punk Witches, which is set in the world of Ordshaw.
The City Screams by Phil Williams
There were a few things I was unsure of – like why just being from Ordshaw made Tova a special interest to anyone in the first place, and some of the ending was a bit unclear to me. But this did what I think these extended series novellas should do – and that is get me interested in the world, give me a taste without giving me everything, and do it while being a ton of fun. In that, this book succeeded on all levels.