Can you believe it’s already the end of 2019?! It definitely was a roller coaster of a year for me. It was also crazy busy, so I decided to take things easier in the second half of the month. Holidays are coming and I need a bit of a break, so posts won’t be as frequent as usually. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you alone for too long 😉
What’s to come? – November 2019
November is going to be a quiet (I mean boring) work month. I’ve nothing exciting planned, but I definitely will try to pay more attention to my own needs – meaning I’ve been so focused recently on working, reading, deadlines, pressure that I hardly left room for myself to relax. To just loose myself for a few hours in a game or do some colouring. So, that’s my personal goal for the month, but no worries, I won’t let you guys without some great content this month too!
What’s to come? – October 2019
I actually have things to look forward to! My UK trip for example. And we also will have a lot of SPFBO updates, so it’ll be worth keeping an eye on the blog!
What’s to come? – September 2019
With September arriving the temperature dropped from 33 to 18 in a day – which I’m not complaining about, because fuck heat. Probably my brain will now will be able to process reading and stuff – once I finally get some normal rest, that is. As I’ve been lacking with a lot of things in August, September will be all about catching up and trying to squeeze in everything. I don’t have much to look forward to this month, so no distraction.
What’s to come? – August 2019
August is here! I really can’t believe how much of the year went away already. Did some pushed the fast forward button? It can’t be August already! Feels like it was last week I decided to (throw money out of the window) go to the WorldCon and I’ll be heading there in less than two weeks! I’m pretty sure it must be some kind of wizardry.