Monthly Wrap Up April

Monthly Wrap Up: April 2020

Is it just me, or April really went by fast? It definitely seemed shorter than March. Weird. I definitely had more good days this month, so that’s a plus. I also worked on some secret stuff, which was fun. In an “OMG, what the hell am I doing?” way, lol. I also discovered The Unbelievable Truth series on Audible, and since I’m starting my days with audiobooks, I figured listening to something that makes me laugh would actually do some good for me. I’m only 2 days in, but so far it seems to be working. *shrug*

Sneak Peek March

What’s to come? – March 2020

It’s March! Spring is in the air and I have a LOT of things coming up this month I think you will love. At least I hope so, because I put a lot of work into all of them and I’d hate if they were all for nothing. I will not tell you all of my secrets just yet, but I definitely will give you a sneak peek!

Sneak Peek January

What’s to come? – January 2020

Can you believe it’s already the end of 2019?! It definitely was a roller coaster of a year for me. It was also crazy busy, so I decided to take things easier in the second half of the month. Holidays are coming and I need a bit of a break, so posts won’t be as frequent as usually. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you alone for too long 😉