Timy’s pick this week is Fur Cue by Seether.
The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025
The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025 is here! Can you believe this is the fifth year already?! For the oldtimers, welcome back! For the newcomers, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun this year trying to fill out these music-based reading prompts as I had a lot of fun (and pain, so much pain) coming up with them.
The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2022
The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge is back! I’m probably the only one who is excited by this, but oh well. I had a lot of fun with both coming up with prompts (all music-related!) and then fulfilling them throughout the year in 2021, so I decided to have another go at it. I had a couple of walks down memory lane while I put this post together, so I hope you’ll create your own ones by reading books and listening to great music this year!
The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2021
I hardly take part in reading challenges in general, but as I was creating The Ultimate Tour Experience for Storytellers on Tour, I had way too much fun with coming up with prompts. So much so, that I kept thinking into the night about songs and bands that would make awesome prompts. The next day The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge came to life. Titled after an also great song by Shinedown. Now with a final update!
Monthly Wrap Up: May 2020
I know 2020 is a complete shit show so far, and I hope you are all safe and well. I sure have my own struggles – apparently my optometrist have no clue why my glasses which are supposed to be good, aren’t actually good and give me troubles. It greatly affects my everyday life and reading (thank fuck for audiobooks). But I try not to let that get in my way and not to take too much painkillers for my headaches… Life is fun, huh? Anyway, I’m not here to whine about myself, but to tell you all about what we were up to in May!
Music Monday: Fake It by Seether
Music Monday is a meme that was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek. You pick a song and/or video and share it on Monday.
Monthly Wrap Up: September 2018
September came and went, and we are one month closer to the end of the year. September started off on a really bad note for me, but thankfully things got considerably better in a few days and overall the month was a blast. Aside from personal stuff, I’ve read quite a few books, hosted a giveaway in celebration of my 6 monthsversary as a blogger and tried to avoid thinking about October. Yay!
Music Monday: Walk On Water by Thirty Seconds To Mars
I’m not such a huge fan of Thirty Seconds to Mars, but they happen to have some pretty good songs. For some reason, I’m quite obsessed with Walk on Water ever since I first heard it. It’s quite catchy. And it catched my eyes when I scrolled through my mp3 player. As I said, catchy. Now I shut up before I make worse jokes.
Music Monday: Watch Me Drown by Seether
Without going into details, let’s just say I had a shit weekend. I’m still trying to get my pieces together. I usually go for Breaking Benjamin when I’m in this state of mind, but this morning Watch Me Drown came up and it fit my mood perfectly, so I’ll roll with this. Besides, Seether is a close second to Breaking Benjamin, so either way, I’m in good “hands”.
Monthly Wrap Up: June 2018
Well, June is over now, and it was another eventful month – both emotionally and otherwise. I attended concerts, read books, got awesome news. Find the details in my #MonthlyWrapUp post 🙂