The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2024

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2025 is here! Can you believe this is the fifth year already?! For the oldtimers, welcome back! For the newcomers, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun this year trying to fill out these music-based reading prompts as I had a lot of fun (and pain, so much pain) coming up with them.

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2024

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2024

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge is back for the fourth year! For the oldtimers, welcome back! For the newcomers, I hope you’ll have a lot of fun this year trying to fill out these music-based reading prompts as I had a lot of fun coming up with them.

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2022

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge is back! I’m probably the only one who is excited by this, but oh well. I had a lot of fun with both coming up with prompts (all music-related!) and then fulfilling them throughout the year in 2021, so I decided to have another go at it. I had a couple of walks down memory lane while I put this post together, so I hope you’ll create your own ones by reading books and listening to great music this year!

The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge 2021

I hardly take part in reading challenges in general, but as I was creating The Ultimate Tour Experience for Storytellers on Tour, I had way too much fun with coming up with prompts. So much so, that I kept thinking into the night about songs and bands that would make awesome prompts. The next day The Sound of Madness Reading Challenge came to life. Titled after an also great song by Shinedown. Now with a final update!

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2019

July was a bit of a mixed month. I’ve started my freelancing for real – I had 3 assignments – , I tried to keep up with reviewing (I clearly failed at that), I squeezed in some SPFBO reading and overall managing some related stuff, I also had a bit of holiday, and all the while I somehow tried to find a balance between all of my work, responsibilities and relaxing and doing some crafting. In the end, what had to give was spending time on social media. Of course there were a few other reasons behind my absence than time issues (anxiety, and getting fed up are amongst these), but I’d rather not go into details. Anyway, I’m always available to chat and do look at my messages, but I don’t keep track of people’s posts/tweets as much and probably miss pretty much everything. If you need me, give a shout, I’m never too far away 🙂 

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: August 2018

With August gone, summer is practically over. September kicked the doors in with a lot of rain over here anyway. August was all kinds of awesome as blogging goes. My stats hit a new high with over 1.100 views. I’ve got to knew a lot of new people and overall I keep going strong. Hopefully it stays that way. August also brought a brand new design, a new logo and feature images. I also launched a facebook group besides my page where I hope I can interact with you guys more!

Red Season Rising by D.M. Murray

Red Season Rising by D.M. Murray

Overall, Red Season Rising is a fast-paced, intriguing and promising dark fantasy debut. Maybe it’s not perfect, and maybe not everyone will like it, but it has the potential to be epic. It has a ruthless, cruel villain you’ll love to hate, a main character who fights with addiction while trying to keep his head clear, and side characters whom you might find liking. The red season is rising, and your soul is at stake. You better pray to Dajda to keep you safe until her children come to embrace you.

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2018

Well, June is over now, and it was another eventful month – both emotionally and otherwise. I attended concerts, read books, got awesome news. Find the details in my #MonthlyWrapUp post 🙂