Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: December 2019

I tried to take things easier this month, so we didnt’t have as much content, and I was supposed to have a 2 weeks break, but apparently, I can’t stop blogging *shrug*. I hope you all had a nice holiday last week and got all the presents you wanted!
But until I get myself together, take a look at what we were up to this past month. We are getting near the end of phase 1 in SPFBO and we are done with slush piling so we’ll start announcing our semi-finalists real soon. But we also read some other great books too, and hosted awesome authors. 
Hoo boy, but November was crazy busy as we got to the end of SPFBO 5’s Phase 1 and I tried to catch up to myself after my little time out in October – with some more time out. Oh well. I had some needed down time and I also got offered to work from home, which resulted in a week spent getting both my room and office ready for the switch – meaning I had to clean, sort things, find place for everything and make my desk ready to function as it should, instead of a surface where I could throw clothes and stuff in a heap.

Er, yeah, so, a lot happened both in my personal life and on the blog, and now I’ll show you what we were up to here at RockStarlit BookAsylum.


SPFBO: The Fourth Reaping

We decided to eliminate 5 more books before we start announcing our semi-finalists, so the next time you hear from us, we’ll bring good news! But before we can make anyone happy – or more anxious – first we have to be the harbringers of bad news. I know, I know, the job sucks, but hey, someone has to do it, and we signed up for it willingly (well, some of us did, I was talked into it by Belle, so blame her if you must!)

Err, um, anyway, this means we’ll be eliminating 21 books so far. I’m happy to report we are done slush piling, and we’ll discuss shortly which books we’ll roll forward to consider to be our semi-finalists and then finalist. Watch this space people, it really, really gets interesting!
This means we’ll be eliminating 16 books so far, just a tiny bit over half of the books in our group. We are getting there! We’ll probably have one more reaping (looking at early November) before we announce our first semi-finalist, so keep your eyes open!
Today Team RockStarlit BookAsylum is going to say goodbye to 5 books, some we enjoyed reading, some not so much. This means we’ll be eliminating 11 books so far, so almost half of our entrants will be out of the game.