Interview with Steven McKinnon

Order of the Shadow Dragon: Interview with Steven McKinnon

It’s our pleasure to host Steven McKinnon, the author of the epic fantasy series, The Raincatcher’s Ballad, the first book of which was an SPFBO 4 finalist. Today we are celebrating the release of his new book, Order of the Shadow Dragon which starts off a new series, Legacy of Light and Shadow.

3 Years in SPFBO

3 Years in SPFBO

SPFBO 7 started off on June 1st and as many of you know, the Asylum is not a judging blog anymore. But not all of us stepped back from the competition. In this post I’d like to talk about why I made the decision of stepping back, how SPFBO affected my (blogging) life, and highlight all the gems I got to find thanks to the competition. It will be a long post, so buckle up. I’ll try to keep the rambling to a minimum, but no promises…

15+ Underrated Self-Published Fantasy Books

15+ Underrated Self-Published Fantasy Books

September is around the corner which means that Self-Published Fantasy Month, organized by our friends (Jason Aycock, Justine Bergman, Beth Tabler and Calvin Park) is about to kick off. To help you get ready, we offer you 15+ underrated self-published fantasy books we think you shouldn’t miss!

Beloved indie SFF sale

Beloved Indie SFF Sale

A couple of indie authors teamed up together to bring you the beloved indie SFF sale! Check out some of my recs then head to their website to check out more! Each book is 0.99p until August 7th!

Sneak Peek February

What’s to come? – February 2020

You know what month this is? February. And do you know what that means? My birthday is around the corner! I love this month – duh – despite the shit winter weather I hate. But lets see what else I have in store, shall we?

Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up: July 2019

July was a bit of a mixed month. I’ve started my freelancing for real – I had 3 assignments – , I tried to keep up with reviewing (I clearly failed at that), I squeezed in some SPFBO reading and overall managing some related stuff, I also had a bit of holiday, and all the while I somehow tried to find a balance between all of my work, responsibilities and relaxing and doing some crafting. In the end, what had to give was spending time on social media. Of course there were a few other reasons behind my absence than time issues (anxiety, and getting fed up are amongst these), but I’d rather not go into details. Anyway, I’m always available to chat and do look at my messages, but I don’t keep track of people’s posts/tweets as much and probably miss pretty much everything. If you need me, give a shout, I’m never too far away 🙂 

Cover Reveal: Wrath of Storms by Steven McKinnon

I’m really happy to let you know that Steven McKinnon was kind enough to ask me to take part in his cover reveal. My first response was: hell yeah! I’ve been following his career ever since I’ve read Symphony of the Wind as part of SPFBO. It was, in fact Fantasy Book Review’s finalist and we all loved it. 

The sequel, Wrath of Storms will be released on August 8th!

Sneak Peek

What’s to come? – July 2019

July is going to be… busy. And that’s an understatement. With freelancing, SPFBO and ARC reviewing I’ll have my hands pretty full. But hey, I got myself into this, so I can’t really complain. I’m going to be very mysterious in this sneak peek, but believe me, you are going to love the things I’ll bring to you this month and the wait (and torture) will be worth it! I just have to make sure my mental state is up to all these things…

Advent Book Calendar

Advent Book Calendar – Day 24

This year I’m going to host an Advent Book Calendar event, where Jen and me are going to pick one book every day until December 24th. Books we’ve read this year, and tell you why you should pick it up. You can check our progress in the Advent Book Calendar 2018 introduction post, where you can “open” the windows every day and find out what we have for your reading pleasure!